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Take Action! Wisconsin governor gets rid of capitol 'Christmas' tree

Wednesday, November 13, 2019 @ 02:24 PM Take Action! Wisconsin governor gets rid of capitol 'Christmas' tree
A battle is brewing in Wisconsin and you can weigh in with other Americans to stop this War on Christmas

Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers does not like a Christmas tree being called a Christmas tree. So he is changing it. According to a Washington Post article, Gov. Evers has said the Christmas tree in the Capitol rotunda, as of this year, will be called a "holiday" tree.

Thus the War on Christmas continues. Those like Gov. Evers don't like the fact that the Christmas tree is identified with the Christian faith.

Republican Scott Fitzgerald, the state Senate majority leader and a 2020 congressional candidate, tweeted that Evers' move was "PC garbage. It's a Christmas Tree."

Email Gov. Evers NOW!

Asked for his thoughts on calling the tree a holiday tree, The Rev. Andrew Kurz, the Knights of Columbus Wisconsin state chaplain, said in an email that "anyone who is intent on keeping Jesus Christ out of Christmas could be considered as working against our mission, but we would forgive them with an invitation to find the way, the truth, and the life that is Jesus Christ."

What Evers has done is ridiculous and a slap in the face to the Christian community in Wisconsin.

Everyone knows trees displayed at the Capitol in December are to celebrate Christmas, a special holiday in the life of Wisconsin and in the life of our country.


Email Gov. Evers NOW! Urge Gov. Evers to rescind his decision and apologize for promoting this politically correct liberal thinking at the expense of the true history and heritage of the Christmas tree.

Even if you don't live in Wisconsin, take a moment to email Governor Evers' office and let him know your thoughts.


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