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Urge Your Senators to Oppose the Nomination of Radical Julie Su

Tuesday, March 05, 2024 @ 09:12 AM Urge Your Senators to Oppose the Nomination of Radical Julie Su
Julie Su as Secretary of Labor is bad for America.

President Joe Biden has nominated Julie Su, a radical progressive, to serve as the nation's Secretary of Labor.

The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee voted 11-10 along party lines to send her nomination to the Senate floor for a full vote as early as this week.

While a vote could go along party lines, even West Virginia Democrat Senator Joe Manchin says he is inclined to vote against Su’s confirmation. He posted on his website, "I believe the person leading the U.S. Department of Labor should have the experience to collaboratively lead both labor and industry to forge compromises acceptable to both parties … I have genuine concerns that Julie Su's more progressive background prevents her from doing this and for that reason I cannot support her nomination to serve as Secretary of Labor."

Contact your senators and tell them to oppose the nomination of Julie Su for U.S. Secretary of Labor.

Clearly, she is not qualified to lead a cabinet position. Su was the secretary for the California Labor and Workforce Development Agency, and before then was California labor commissioner from 2011-2018. Under her watch during that time, fraudsters bilked the state out of $32 billion in unemployment claims.

According to Mark Noland at, Su is preoccupied with a Marxist ideology, writing, "If confirmed as Labor Secretary, Su would have vast administrative authority over American corporations, but her bias against the free market is abundantly evident. She's written that 'by definition' corporations 'promote and perpetuate economic injustice,' and that they should be considered a 'public nuisance.'" Su is even supported by the Communist Party.

In short, Julie Su as Secretary of Labor is bad for America.


The Senate must stop her nomination. Contact your senators and tell them to oppose the nomination of Julie Su for U.S. Secretary of Labor.


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