The American Culture & Faith Institute (ACFI), under the leadership of George Barna, recently released a national survey of Christian conservatives who identified organizations that they believe had “the most positive impact on American society during 2016.”
Among the responses, the American Family Association ranked No. 4.
This is a testament both to our staff and the loyalty of our devoted supporters who believe in the mission of AFA, who pray for us, support us financially, and take action on important issues based on our recommendations. Trust me, we take this responsibility very seriously and put much prayer and thought into the work God has called us to do. He has entrusted us to give leadership to the Christian community on some of the great moral issues of our time, and we are making a difference.
You can read more about the survey here, and you can help support the continued work of AFA in the following ways:
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According to a press release from ACFI, “If you want to make a difference in American culture, you are most likely to do it in conjunction with a non-profit organization.”
So why wait? Partner with AFA today.