(CAUTION: There is some explicit language in this blog deemed necessary for the readers to understand the dangers being posed to children by Planned Parenthood.)
“We have to provide taxpayer funding to Planned Parenthood because of the valuable education they provide.” Have you heard that argument?
Last week, the House of Representatives passed the American Healthcare Act, a reconciliation bill that would abolish key components of Obamacare while eliminating more than 86% of federals funds currently going to Planned Parenthood. The Senate, in the meantime, is mulling over a different version of the bill that may or may not include any defunding of Planned Parenthood.
Unfortunately, PP has a monumental amount of global power. Planned Parenthood aggressively and successfully lobbies governments and the UN for millions of dollars annually to fund their multiple services and programs.
One of those programs is called Comprehensive Sexual Education (CSE), a specific form of graphic sexuality education designed to change the sexual and gender norms of society. It encourages even the youngest of children to sexually experiment.
Family Watch International has produced a documentary revealing the type of education that Planned Parenthood actually does provide when given the opportunity. The War on Children: The Comprehensive Sexuality Education Agenda documentary contains a warning prior to showing the very CSE materials that are given to children in public schools:
For the protection for the viewer, explicit images from CSE texts that will be shown have been blurred out. However, the subject matter is still not appropriate for children.
That alone highlights the issue at hand. But let’s look a little deeper.
According to Michelle Cretella, MD, President of the American College of Pediatricians, CSE:
1) sexualizes children,
2) threatens children’s health,
3) promotes as dangerous gender ideology,
4) undermines the parent-child relationship, which violates parental rights.
It’s all One is a two-book curriculum that has been in high demand since it was launched several years ago at the UN with requests coming from more than 150 countries, including every state in the U.S. Like other CSE curriculums, it claims to be evidence-based, comprehensive, human rights and gender sensitive, and culturally appropriate education that will increase young people’s responsible decision making to reduce teen pregnancy, sexual abuse, and sexually transmitted disease – including HIV.
Within all those lofty claims masquerade cleverly disguised messages concerning abortion rights, sexual pleasure education, and radical feminist ideologies.
The curriculum contains 112 references to abortion, including outrageous assertions to support legalization. One such claim is that a pregnant girl is dying every minute of every hour. Students are also required to read stories of girls who have had abortions so they can “walk in her shoes in the decision to have an abortion.”
Like all CSE programs, It’s all One has an excessive focus on “sexual pleasure,” mentioning the term 62 times. Children are even instructed on how to stimulate themselves or a partner to orgasm.
And, of course, homosexual acts are consistently normalized and encouraged. Children are asked to share personal stories of feeling sexually attracted to someone of the same sex.
The curriculum claims there is no right age to have sex – that each person has to determine when he or she is ready. Children then fill out a worksheet to explore their own readiness. Examples include: feeling close to another person, when both want to have sex, feeling attracted to another person.
CSE “abstinence programs” explicitly teach children to participate in many types of sexual behaviors. In one CSE booklet, Making a Difference: An Abstinence Approach to HIV/STD and Teen Pregnancy Prevention, children are asked, “What is abstinence?” Teachers are encouraged to elicit answers from children that include things like saying “I like you” to degrading forms of sexual acts. Because oral and anal sex do not bring about pregnancy, the materials encourage children to engage in such acts. And they call that “abstinence.”
According to Kristine Swarts, Power2Parent (Nevada), PP is going into classrooms of 13 and 14-year-old students with handouts containing suggestions for initiating a variety of sexual encounters. One book titled It’s Perfectly Normal is full of pornographic images and is recommended for fourth graders.
“When a child looks at a pornographic image, within three-tenths of a second, that’s imprinted on his brain and on her brain – permanently,” said Judith Reisman, Ph.D. director Liberty Child protection Center, Liberty University School of Law. “We know that there’s an action that takes place that’s called mirroring images so that children will want to or will act out what they see. In the name of sexuality education, children are seeing obscene materials that have been ruled by Congress and the Supreme Court as impossible to show to children.”
In a pamphlet called Healthy, Happy, and Hot, youth are even told they have the right to hide their HIV status from sexual partners if they feel uncomfortable disclosing that information.
You might be asking why. Why would any organization teach children to engage in promiscuous, high-risk sexual behavior? But for PP and other organizations, multi-million dollar opportunities are created for them when children become sexualized through CSE and then become PP customers and advocates.
Most government agencies are not aware of the true sexual agenda behind CSE. But the UN does. It is aggressively pushing CSE for children worldwide. For example, the “International Guidelines on Sexuality Education” published by the UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, in cooperation with the UN Fund for Population Activities, include guidelines for teaching masturbation to children ages 5-8, respect for different sexual orientations, and gender identity by age 12. And by age 15, students are further “enlightened” about same-sex pleasure.
Europe is a little farther along. The World Health Organization “Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe: A framework for policymakers, educational and health authorities and specialists” actually suggests children ages 0-4 should be given information to encourage body exploration, masturbation, and gender identity.
According to Katharina Rottweiler, Director of International Relations and Strategy, Red Familia (Mexico), many of the key advisors to representatives of various countries have direct links to International Planned Parenthood Federation. “It’s really striking how IPPF plays such a big role,” she said. “What we just can’t put our finger on is how that happened.”
Here in the U.S., we appear to be at a precipice, although many doubt the Senate will defund any portion of PP. Even if the Senate passed the exact bill as the House of Representatives did last week, the estimated amount of Medicaid reimbursements would land at only about $390 million (86% of total federal funding). Approximately $60 million (14%) of federal funds would continue to flow into the abortion giant through family planning grants, social services block grants, teen pregnancy prevention grants. My guess is that CSE falls into that gray 14% funding category.
That would be a move in the right direction. But we need to eliminate every penny of PP funding.
Let’s pray for our children. And consider taking some additional steps:
- Call your senator. Tell him or her that you want all federal dollars to be directed. away from Planned Parenthood. Tell them to fight for our children and our families.
- Make sure PP and the CSE curriculum is not in your local and state schools. And if it is, expose it.
- Get involved with your crisis pregnancy center or other organizations that are working to bring true abstinence training into the schools. When considering a sexuality education policy be certain that it is a sexual risk avoidance program. NOT CSE – comprehensive sexuality education.
- Consider running for your local school board.
- Educate your children at home.
The War on Children: The Comprehensive Sexuality Education Agenda documentary is available here for free viewing.