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‘13 Reasons Why’ to Watch Season 2

Wednesday, May 30, 2018 @ 02:45 PM ‘13 Reasons Why’ to Watch Season 2 Rebecca Davis The Stand (Print) Editor MORE

Editor’s Note: Please read this blog in its entirety before making a judgment based solely on the headline. 

Despite pleas from pro-family groups to cancel the second season of the original Netflix series 13 Reasons Why, it was released May 18. All 13 hours of it. At one time. For the whole world to devour … or be devoured by. 

Season 2 is a continuation of the first season of the series that was based on a young adult novel by Jay Asher. Season 1 focused on the graphic suicide of teenager Hannah Baker who slits her wrists in a bathtub full of water. Her decision to end her life is explained through a collection of cassette tapes that she leaves behind blaming the people responsible for her death. 

Season 2 picks up months after Hannah’s suicide, and characters are seen dealing with the aftermath of her death; a lawsuit and court case make up the overarching storyline. This time the focus is sexual assault, and suicide takes a back seat. But sadly the filth and gratuitous content from Season 1 is only exacerbated in Season 2. 

Both seasons have received mixed reviews – some praising the writers and creators for their efforts to address taboo topics and bring awareness to sensitive and relevant issues such as mental illness, teen suicide, substance abuse, and sexual assault while others are calling for the series to be removed from Netflix because of the detrimental effect it is having on young people and their families. 

Take, for example, the Bright family from Alabaster, Alabama. Fourteen-year-old Anna Bright committed suicide after binge-watching the first season of 13 Reasons Why. She patterned her suicide after Hannah Baker’s. Bella Herndon and Priscilla Chiu, both 15-year-olds from California, also took their own lives after watching the first season, as did a 23-year-old Peruvian man who also left behind recordings similar to those Hannah left behind. 

More recently, a Florida mother spoke out blaming the series for her teen daughter’s suicide attempt on Mother’s Day. According to Fox News, “The teenager sent a video of her cutting herself … and reportedly complained that ‘it’s taking too long. … It’s not like on 13 Reasons.’” 

But if the reports of those deaths are not enough to convince you of the darkness and evil that enshroud this series and you still want to watch it, then here are 13 reasons that I urge you to consider before watching Season 2. 

CAUTION: The following reasons contain highly disturbing and offensive material. 

Watch Season 2 of 13 Reasons Why if you want to: 

  1. See male teens sexually assault another male teen by sodomizing him with a mop handle after beating him, shoving his head in the toilet, and leaving him bleeding and bruised.
  2. See multiple sex scenes, some which include graphic depictions of rape, sexual assault, and forcefully rough intercourse, as well as pornographic photos of teen females (sometimes unconscious) being raped by teen males.
  3. See a male teen rub himself down with lotion in an attempt to masturbate while live-streaming pornography of a naked woman.
  4. Experience a very shallow view of sex while watching two teen virgins lose their virginity to each other (then repeatedly have sex) all because it’s fun and feels good.
  5. Hear blatant stabs at Christianity when discussing sex: “Aren’t you saving it until marriage?” “Isn’t Jesus your true love?” “Maybe it’s time to sin.”
  6. Experience the normality, acceptance, and celebration of homosexuality including scenes of physical affection and kissing as well as two gay men watching LGBT movies together with their daughter who just came out as a lesbian.
  7. See a gay teen scroll through naked photos of gay men on his phone, then click on one and be solicited for sex.
  8. Watch teen baseball players use steroids then have their high school coach offer to cover for them during drug screenings.
  9. Watch teens attempt a DIY detox of a heroin addict by using Pepto-Bismol and Immodium.
  10. See teens playing violent video games then making their own detonator.
  11. Watch rebellious teenagers who want to “f- the system,” one of whom attempts to carry out a mass school shooting that is thwarted last minute.
  12. See guns used carelessly, often in attempts to threaten others and contemplate suicide.
  13. Listen to hours of gratuitous, profane language. 

What it boils down to is this: If you think that pandering to the absolutely darkest side of a situation is the best way to bring about awareness of troubling issues, then, sadly, 13 Reasons Why is for you. But if you see the extreme danger in this approach and want to do all you can to stop it, sign a petition to Netflix here demanding the streaming giant pull both Seasons 1 and 2 of 13 Reasons Why

American Family Association is partnering with Parents Television Council urging other pro-family groups to put the maximum pressure on Netflix to end this damaging series. 

Join us in our efforts. 

Why would anyone want to be exposed to such filth … all in the name of awareness and entertainment? If you do, my heart breaks for you as it does for the actors and actresses who have to portray this evil on screen. Actors are real people who influence other real people … you and me. 

What type of influence do you want to be? 

Commit to praying for the writers, directors, producers, and actors involved with 13 Reasons Why as well as the leadership at Netflix. 

Use your voice to be part of the solution, not your silence that ignores the problem. Join us in our efforts.

  1. If you haven't already, sign a petition to Netflix demanding the streaming giant pull both seasons 1 and 2 of 13 Reasons Why.
  2. Learn more about the dangers of 13 Reasons Why
  3. Share this alert with your family, friends and church members, especially those who have children at home.


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