While everyone thinks the Anglican Church is the U.K.’s established state religion, everyone is wrong. Technically, it might be. But Anglican churches are empty across the land and church attendance is at all-time lows.
But that does not mean the U.K. does not have a most-favored religion. It does. And that religion is Islam.
It has become a crime in the U.K. to criticize the dark religion of the bloodthirsty Muhammad, despite a blizzard of knife attacks, acid attacks, and van attacks carried out by followers of the religion of pieces.
Now comes the bizarre story of Tommy Robinson, the founder of the English Defence League, and one of Islam’s staunchest truth-telling critics. Over the weekend, Robinson was broadcasting live from a spot in front of the courthouse where Muslims were on trial for developing a notorious grooming gang. Grooming gangs have now become a particularly obscene but staple part of the English landscape, Muslim gangs whose aim is to recruit young, impressionable English school girls into sex rings in which they are traded like baseball cards among Muslim males or sold as sex slaves.
A huge scandal broke open several years ago in Rotherham, where despite the best efforts of government and the media to throw a blanket over the story, it emerged that 1400 English girls had been caught up in a Muslim sex ring. Local officials were afraid to talk about let alone punish the perpetrators for fear they would be labeled Islamophobes. Much easier to allow these girls to suffer the torture of sex abuse at the hands of Muslim slavers than to protect them at risk to their own reputations. For years, the only one punished in that grotesque case was the social service worker who tried to blow the whistle on the gang of Muslim pedophiles.
This brings us back to Robinson. As he was broadcasting from the steps of the court, troubling no one, hassling no one, disturbing no one’s peace, he was physically accosted by UK coppers, arrested, thrown into the back of a police van, and hustled off to jail.
The UK court system set a land speed record by not only arresting him, but trying him, convicting him, and sending him to prison for 13 months, all in a matter of hours. Then, to compound their perfidy, the English government slapped a gag order on everybody, including the press. Brits interested in this story have run into a total blackout.
Robinson has been taken to Hull Prison, which is filled with imprisoned Muslim gang members. He is quite likely to wind up dead before long.
There is no First Amendment in the U.K., and this episode shows why the Founders made sure there was one in the supreme law of our land. Because every single American has the right to freedom of speech and the press (they are individual rights, not group rights - newspapers have freedom of the press simply because everybody who works for them does), American media, American newspapers, American columnists, and American bloggers such as me are free to bring this heinous affair to light.
To close the loop on this sordid story, Britons are now free to criticize the Church of England all they want. It has no protection from the government against harsh criticism. But Islam is in a category by itself. Criticize Islam, and you will soon find yourself in the back of paddy wagon. If you’re looking for the official, established religion of the U.K., there it is. And woe to the Englishman who thinks otherwise.