An accuser has crawled out of the shadows to charge Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh with sexual assault. The accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, contends that 36 years ago Kavanaugh, in a drunken stupor, shut her in a room at a party and clumsily attempted to undress her.
She contends that another male, apparently one Mark Judge, was also present and was also a participant. Kavanaugh and Judge have both categorically denied the event ever happened. Said Kavanaugh, “I categorically and unequivocally deny this allegation. I did not do this back in high school or at any time.”
Judge was equally emphatic. “It’s just absolutely nuts. I never saw Brett act that way.”
We can pile on top of that the testimony of 65 female high school contemporaries of Kavanaugh’s who all signed a letter vouching for his integrity. “For the entire time we have known Brett Kavanaugh, he has behaved honorably and treated women with respect.”
All of the female clerks who have worked with Kavanaugh likewise vouch for his integrity and character. This is the first thing that ought to arouse a Mt. Olympus of doubt about Ms. Ford’s lurid accusations. You have, on the one side, everybody who’s ever known Kavanaugh, gone to school with him, worked under him, worked with him, and had even a passing acquaintance with him, unanimously affirming his character.
Kavanaugh has been through six FBI background investigations and passed every one with flying colors.
Then, on the other side, you have Christine Blasey Ford. It is worthy of note that Ms. Ford is a registered Democrat who has donated to various and sundry Democratic recipients.
Ms. Ford’s attorney, Debra Katz, has made a career out of dismissing sexual assault allegations against liberal politicians. She has donated at least $26,000 since 2004 to Democratic politicians such as Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and John Kerry. She’s made donations to MoveOn.org and other liberal activist groups.
Ms. Katz defended Al Franken when a photo emerged of him engaging in mock groping of a sleeping colleague.
She lacerated Paula Jones when she went public with her assault allegations against President Clinton, which cost the former president a cool $850,000 in a settlement. Ms. Katz dismissed Ms. Jones’ assertions on the grounds that, “Paula Jones’ suit is very, very weak. She’s alleged one incident that took place in a hotel room that, by her own testimony, lasted 10 to 12 minutes. She suffered no repercussions in the workplace.”
She continued through the 90s to argue that because Ms. Jones could not show that the harassment was “severe and pervasive,” she simply did not have a case. She told the media in 1998 that if a woman came to her for representation with a similar fact pattern, she would “probably tell her that, I’m sorry, it’s unfair, but you don’t have a case.”
Plus, she has called Donald Trump supporters “miscreants,” and noted that the term “‘basket of deplorables’ is far too generous a description for these people.”
Ms. Ford apparently did not divulge Kavanaugh’s name until a couples’ therapy session in 2012.
So what should be done? The Bible is very clear that no serious allegation should ever be accepted against someone on the basis of one lone allegation. “A single witness shall not suffice against a person for any crime or for any wrong in connection with any offense that he has committed. Only on the evidence of two witnesses or or three witnesses shall a charge be established” (Deuteronomy 19:15).
Lest you think this is just an outdated, archaic Old Testament standard, Jesus himself affirmed the same standard in Matthew 18:16: “Every charge (must) be established by the evidence of two or three witnesses.”
On this rock solid divine basis of justice, Ms. Ford’s case falls to the ground and shatters into little, tiny, inconsequential shards. This is no corroborating witness, not a single one. There is no corroborating evidence, not a bit. If this event even happened, the only two supposed witnesses both flatly deny that anything like this occurred.
What does all this mean? Here’s what should happen. Ms. Ford’s accusations should be dismissed with extreme prejudice, Mr. Kavanaugh’s nomination should be sent to the floor of the Senate this Thursday as scheduled, the Senate should vote to confirm him as soon as possible, and he should take his rightful place on the Supreme Court bench by the first Monday in October.
Anything else is a travesty of a mockery of a sham, making Brett Kavanaugh a victim of a gross miscarriage of justice before he ever dons the robe of the Supreme Court.