President Trump is to be commended for fulfilling another campaign promise to protect religious liberty. On Friday, November 1, the Trump administration's Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced it would be halting an Obama-era, anti-religious liberty policy affecting faith-based adoption and foster-care groups.
Under President Obama, HHS required faith-based adoption and foster-care groups receiving federal funding to place children in same-sex households. Faith-based groups would jeopardize their federal funding for refusing to place a child into a same-sex household. President Trump's proposed rule will put an end to this violation of religious liberty.
HHS had this to say in a statement about the rule:
The proposed rule represents the Trump administration's strong commitment to the rule of law―the Constitution, federal statutes, and Supreme Court decisions. These require that the federal government not infringe on religious freedom in its operation of HHS grant programs and address the impact of regulatory actions on small entities.
Although the Trump administration has halted Obama's rule in favor of same-sex adoptions, HHS will be reissuing this rule to bring it into compliance with existing law and protect religious liberty. Once finalized, the new rule will be subject to a public comment period of 30 days.
We will notify you when this period begins so you can let HHS know you support the protection of religious liberty for faith-based adoption and foster-care groups.
AFA thanks President Trump and his administration for this action!