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Bribery and Beyond: The COVID Vaccine in America

Tuesday, August 10, 2021 @ 10:45 AM Bribery and Beyond: The COVID Vaccine in America Mason Beasler Guest Writer, Law Student MORE

In early August, NPR reported that since December of last year, 351 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine have been distributed in the United States, fully vaccinating more than 166 million people or 50.1% of the population. 

Which, of course, means roughly half of Americans have not been vaccinated. 

Many desperate, strange attempts have been made by the government in recent months to convince more people to get vaccinated. 

President Biden urged state governments “to give $100 to anyone who gets fully vaccinated.” 

The mayor of New York City, Bill de Blasio, even tried bribing people with free food from Shake Shack if they got the shot, as well as giving away $100 to each person who received the vaccine.  

These briberies obviously didn’t work well enough, because de Blasio is now mandating the vaccine for anyone who works or patronizes indoor dining, indoor fitness, or indoor entertainment facilities in New York City. 

“If you’re unvaccinated, unfortunately, you will not be able to participate in many things,” de Blasio warned in an August 3 announcement. 

Just like everything else in our country, whether or not someone gets vaccinated has been turned into a largely political divide, with the left mostly siding with the vaccine, and the right, at least somewhat, siding against it. 

There are good reasons to get vaccinated, and there are good reasons not to get vaccinated. Convincing you to choose one or the other is not the aim of this article. 

What is of some interest, however, is why those who have been given the opportunity (not to mention lucrative financial incentive) to receive the vaccine have still declined

“[T]here's still a large group of people who are anti-vaxxers or just don't listen to the facts. It's a real shame,” said Jennifer Anniston in a recent interview

The terms “anti-vaxxer” or “conspiracy theorist” have been thrown around a lot regarding this group of people who have elected not to get the shot, but an even more peculiar phrase is “science denier.” 

Neil deGrasse Tyson even compares those who have decided against the vaccine with people who think the earth is flat. 

This label, “science denier,” thrust upon those who refuse the vaccine is actually ironic and leads to a question not many are asking: 

Could it be that - instead of crazy conspiracy theories about the government - what is actually lowering the vaccine acceptance rate is the losing record the scientific and medical communities have established with the American people? 

The vast majority of civilians in this country aren’t doctors and lack any sort of medical experience or knowledge. 

This means that, if you want a population at large to willfully receive the vaccine, then you will need them to trust the people creating and administering that vaccine. 

Unfortunately, a quick glance at the track record of the medical community spells doom as far as trust is concerned. 

Just last month, the American Medical Association stated that sex should be removed from birth certificates. 

“Designating sex on birth certificates as male or female, and making that information available on the public portion, perpetuates a view that sex designation is permanent and fails to recognize the medical spectrum of gender identity,” said AMA Board Chair-Elect Sandra Adamson Fryhofer, M.D. 

Here we have a medical association, a group composed of doctors who’ve studied at medical schools and who are allegedly familiar with human anatomy and biology, telling the public that you can change from boy to girl, that gender is a “spectrum,” that not everyone is born either a male or female. 

In essence, we have scientists spouting unscientific views. 

Human beings are born either as males or as females, save for extremely rare abnormalities, and cannot change from one gender to another. 

How can they expect people to trust them when they can’t somehow comprehend this fundamental, scientific fact? 

Another downfall concerning the credibility of the medical community lies with the abortion industry. 

In this sector, doctors lie to women about their unborn babies, manipulate them into receiving abortions, and then secretly funnel the body parts of the aborted babies to research groups around the globe. 

Abortion on Trial (AOT), a legal group based in New Mexico, has represented multiple women who have been victimized and manipulated by abortion doctors and staff.  

The stories of these victims have established a pattern, as reported by numerous AOT articles

In David Reardon’s book Aborted Women: Silent No More, he details one woman’s abortion story, when she asked the doctor (the previously trusted medical professional), “What does a three-month-old fetus look like?” 

The doctor responded, “Just a clump of cells.” 

The woman was later shown pictures of what a three-month-old unborn baby actually looks like. 

The baby had fingers and toes and was clearly a tiny growing person, not merely a clump of cells. 

“I’d been lied to and misled,” the woman said. “I’m sure thousands of other women are being just as poorly informed and badly served.” 

One cannot expect these overwhelmingly negative experiences with the medical community to simply be forgotten the moment the government roles out a shiny new vaccine. 

In the legal profession, if the defense puts a witness on the stand, they better hope that witness is credible. Meaning, that witness needs to have a track record of telling the truth, not lies, with no past evidence of manipulation or malpractice. 

If the experiences of the above-mentioned individuals are any indication, the medical and scientific professions have sowed distrust with much of the American public. Far too many people have been misled, misinformed, and manipulated. 

The term “science denier” is entirely useful and appropriate regarding current events in our country - it’s simply being applied to the wrong group of people.

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