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Another Governmental Masterpiece of Manipulation

Tuesday, February 15, 2022 @ 10:17 AM Another Governmental Masterpiece of Manipulation Joy Lucius The Stand Writer MORE

Guess what!

I just read several articles detailing some exciting news released by the office of our president.

After two entire years of this life-altering pandemic, the Biden administration has finally decided to require our nation’s hospitals to calculate their reported COVID-19 statistics more accurately.

To oversee this new form of statistical pandemic reporting, Biden has formed a task force made up of scientists and data specialists from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 

As a result, the task force is asking for hospitals to differentiate between patients hospitalized due to COVID-19 versus patients who are hospitalized for other reasons and subsequently tested positive for the virus.

Wow! What a novel idea for this novel coronavirus.

And just think! It only took the health officials of the most scientifically advanced nation on earth a mere two years to come up with this stunning idea! Amazing.

Let me get this straight. If they were not previously separating statistics of patients who were truly ill from COVID-19 and hospitalized due to the illness, then doesn’t that negate their claims that half the hospitalized individuals with the virus were unvaccinated?

Does it also negate the overall sums of COVID-19 patients altogether? And will this task force go back to January 2020 and officially adjust the statistics accordingly?

If not, what about the tax dollars that were awarded to hospitals to help with those overwhelming statistical cases of COVID-19? If the reported data was incorrect, will the hospitals be forced to repay money that was not used for the care of actual COVID-19 patients?

I mean. Let’s get real. If the IRS found out that you or I had received a bigger refund than we should have been awarded in a past year, wouldn’t we be forced to repay that money? If we won a governmental grant based on flawed data, wouldn’t we have to give that funding back? And how long would we be given to repay that wrongly awarded money? Would they demand immediate reimbursement? Yes, of course, they would.

Wait… here are a few bigger questions to ponder: Wasn’t the data previously gathered by the CDC and other government entities scientifically vetted and found to be beyond reproach? Weren’t we assured that the data was accurate and timely? Aren’t these the same people who advised us to hush and “follow the science?”

Are they now admitting the hallowed, sacred science was…flawed? (Insert phony, dramatic gasps, here.)

That brings me to the heaviest, most telling question of all: Why now?

To answer that question, we would do well to recall the past uses of the coronavirus data. From Day One, it has always seemed to be a political game.

Yes, COVID-19 was and is real. Yes, any loss of life is way too many.

But let’s get real. Let’s look back over the past 25 months and see which segments of our society have prospered from this pandemic. It has not been the average family, the average worker, or the average school child. And it has definitely not been the average healthcare worker or frontline worker.

Not hardly!

In fact, the majority of everyday American citizens have been adversely affected by this coronavirus, whether it be through our mental and physical wellbeing, our jobs, our pocketbooks, our relationships, and the stress of maintaining or trying to maintain, a semblance of normalcy for our loved ones.

And now, two years later, the truth is slowly but surely coming out.

Not only are they suddenly admitting that masks never did and never will work to prevent or end the spread of this virus, but they are also warning people who have had the virus not to be retested within three months because they will probably test positive. OK, then, should we go back and remove those positive test results from past totals? Furthermore, is this not proof of the power of (Another dramatic gasp inserted here, please.) natural antibodies? Surely not!

And here’s my favorite announcement of late: Those free Chinese-made COVID-19 test kits that the government just mailed out were probably negatively affected by the cold temperatures of late. In other words, we paid the Chinese government (the very place where this virus mysteriously originated) lots of tax dollars to mass mail tests that are no longer even valid. Isn’t that great news?

But on top of all these contradictions, this presidential task force is trying to quietly do a magic trick with the statistical data.

But why now? Why change horses midstream?

Let me tell you why – it suits some hidden agenda, some purpose that will advantageously aid those in charge of this debacle.

I tend to believe that hidden reason has to do with upcoming midterm congressional elections.

Think about it!

Earlier fabricated and padded COVID-19 numbers helped push through their liberal emergency agenda for more governmental control, but their hastily built walls of deceit are beginning to crumble.

And this familiar adage rings truer now than ever before in the last two years, “You can’t teach an old dog a new trick.”

So, here they run, right back to their same tactics of manipulating their precious science to assure the poor, ignorant masses that they have always had our best interest at heart.

If you don’t believe me, check out the latest pronouncement from sanctimonious Dr. Fauci during an interview with Financial Times. His Royal Smugness declared this week that there would “soon” be an end to all restrictions related to the pandemic, including his beloved mask mandates.

Fauci’s most recent proclamation came in direct contradiction to his remarks from less than a month ago in mid-January at the World Economic Forum’s Davos Agenda, that we were still only in Stage 1 of this five-stage pandemic.

In his January talk, Fauci even went on to explain those five, set-in-stone stages of a pandemic: the initial impact or the actual onset, then deceleration, followed by control, elimination, and finally, eradication.  

Yet, magically, those stages have apparently flown out the window.

Somehow, we have moved from Stage 1 to “soon” having nothing to worry about. Granted, even Fauci says COVID-19 will never be eradicated (again, despite his earliest praises of the power and efficacy of the vaccines). But somehow, we have gone from Stage 1 to the control and elimination of Stages 3 and 4 – in less than three weeks. 

So much for Fauci’s scientific stages! When pressed a few days ago during the FT interview as to an actual timeline for his predicted ending, Fauci stated it would probably be this year.

That “soon,” huh?

Isn’t that amazing? Right in time for midterm elections, perhaps?

Yep! You got it. These new case statistics and the predicted end of mandates will be paraded before our eyes day and night on liberal media outlets, in order to let us see how President Joe Biden heroically and single-handedly put an end to the horrible virus that the evil, villainous Trump perpetrated on mankind.

It will be a celebration like never experienced before. Just wait and see!

Or, perhaps I should say, “Let’s follow the yellow brick road of science – right up to the voting booths of midterm elections!”

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