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Fairy Tales, Fables, and Falsehoods

Tuesday, July 19, 2022 @ 10:18 AM Fairy Tales, Fables, and Falsehoods Joy Lucius The Stand Writer MORE

(Editor's Note: This article first appeared in the July 2022 print edition of The Stand)

Once upon a time, a kind young ze named Ella lived with zir wicked stepzir and two hateful stepzirs. Ze was mistreated badly by zir stepzir who made zir cook and clean for zir entire stepfamily. Since the attic room zir stepzir had given Cinderella was so cold, ze often fell asleep in the warm cinders of the kitchen fireplace. So zir stepzirs laughed and called zir Cinderella.

To successfully read this convoluted fairy tale, perhaps a lesson on proper pronoun protocol is needed. If so, simply seek assistance from a public-school kindergartner with an official pronoun passport or even a successfully indoctrinated preschooler. They can easily decode Cinderella’s “woke” story with inclusive, gender-fluid nouns and pronouns.

Obviously, this is a ridiculous version of the beloved fairy tale. But LGBTQ activists are determined to make this exact type of homosexual/transgender propaganda a reality in American classrooms.

These woke warriors are waging all-out war for the hearts and minds of the nation’s children via media, schools, colleges, courts, and even the medical profession. Subsequently, this gender and sexuality conflict could become America’s most decisive battle ever – one with great potential to completely divide the church.

Seeking the truth

Linda Harvey, founder and president of Mission America (MA), is working to arm Americans with God’s truth. Founded in 1995, MA is a Christian, pro-family organization that tracks current cultural issues and their potential impact on believers.

A former advertising executive, Harvey told The Stand that until the early 1990s she was “a liberal, progressive agnostic.” Then, she began to reconsider the Christian roots planted in her heart as a child at her grandmother’s small Florida church.

“God’s Word does not come back void,” said Harvey. “All of a sudden, my eyes just began to open. Then, when I became a believer and really committed myself, there was a huge worldview change.”

That change brought a deeper awareness of cultural concerns, especially pro-life issues and issues in public schools. As the mother of young children, she also began hoping “somebody” would do something to combat the growing promotion of homosexuality in schools.

Soon, the Lord gave Harvey the burden to be that “somebody.” She laughed and explained, “I’m walking around and thinking, ‘You can’t mean me. Please don’t make it be me.’”

Joining the fight

Harvey could no longer be complacent; she had to join the fight. And 27 years later, she is still battling the homosexual agenda.

“It is in this arena where I entered the fight, to begin with,” she stated, “and it’s still where our central focus should be. We are in a fight to determine who we are created to be. God is our Creator, so the battlefield always ends up at the foot of the cross.”

As MA’s first order of business in 1995, Harvey wrote articles on current social issues and eventually began examining state legislation on various family bills. She posted her findings on the organization’s flagship website,

The website offers timely articles and weekly e-newsletters. Harvey also hosts a radio show on the Salem Network in Columbus, Ohio. She regularly contributes to conservative news sites and is frequently interviewed by conservative, Christian, and mainstream media outlets.

Sharing the truth

Yet, the bulk of MA’s work involves shining light on the controversial issues of homosexuality and gender confusion. Combining relevant research and biblically-based doctrine, Harvey challenges Christians to counter the world’s definition of what is normal and right with the unfailing truth of God’s Word.

Moreover, Harvey boldly confronts those who complacently frequent America’s pews and pulpits: “The moral decline in our world … will not stop until the church is willing to be politically incorrect and cry out loudly in protest to proclaim what is good, instead of meekly retreating in the face of evil. With all the hope that is in the gospel, why do so many remain silent?”

For those who can no longer remain silent, MA believes our homes must be the first line of defense since LGBTQ indoctrination is aimed directly at our children.

Consequently, more and more American parents are opting for homeschooling or private Christian education for their children. But some Christian parents, especially many single parents, do not have the option of home or parochial school.

Protecting the children

Whatever the educational situation, MA believes parents must be vigilant, particularly with online technology. Children of all ages are targeted and even groomed by sexual predators and influencers via television, video games, computers, and phones, especially through social media.

“It’s so critical, in my view,” warned Harvey, “to keep children off social media and away from anything other than a basic phone that just sends a text message. …If you’re going to give them a phone, no smartphones.”

Harvey also advises parents to note any significant changes in a child’s dress or demeanor and avoid sleepovers, camps, and other stays away from home. Watch out for LGBTQ symbols, terminology, and propaganda designed to target children’s hearts and minds, especially during the middle school ages.

American schools are definitely under attack. Harvey believes activist educators and teachers’ unions such as the National Education Association (NEA) have already secured the advantage in our public educational system through their “masterful but evil sales job to our kids.”

Harvey said these progressive, liberal pundits will keep that advantage and gain more unless Americans work together to stop the onslaught against our educational system.

Arming the troops

To combat that onslaught, Harvey shared practical ways Christians can get involved in local schools:

  1. Examine the school’s online presence, including its Facebook page and school calendar. Investigate meetings, activities, clubs, book fairs, and speakers for hidden agendas/affiliations.
  2. Attend meetings, visit classrooms, and ask questions of kids, teachers, and other parents.
  3. Never sign open consent forms. Read all available documents, including handbooks, policies, curriculum, and handouts.
  4. Research district/school policy on parental notification, sex education, medical clinics, transgender support plans, and bathroom assignment policies.
  5. Consider running for the local school board. At the state and national levels, support legislation to end sexual indoctrination in schools.
  6. Take a vocal stand against immoral, ungodly school policies and procedures.

Most of all, like Harvey, prayerfully commit to be that “somebody” God can use to save our children from the culture’s nonsensical sexual identity free-for-all.

“It’s really a house of cards,” said Harvey. “It’s just one fable built on another fable, and it’s all dangerous to our kids.”

Thankfully, MA exists to separate those fables from the facts. Linda Harvey implores Christians to join their fight and shine the light of God’s truth into every avenue of culture.

Then, and only then, will American children know without a doubt that they were made in the image of God.  

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