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Roe v. Wade: What Now?

Monday, July 18, 2022 @ 10:31 AM Roe v. Wade: What Now? Lauren Bragg Stand Writer MORE

June 24, 2022, was a momentous day for the unborn. We have fought so long and tirelessly for the moment their rights would be restored to them and I am so grateful to have been alive to see such strides taken in that direction.

I woke up to my phone nearly vibrating off my nightstand with texts echoing, “We did it!”

It was a victory. It is a victory. Good guys: 1, bad guys: 0. And while we should be celebrating, we should also be asking the question – okay, what now?

The overturning of Roe is not the end, nowhere near it. Rather, it is the beginning. While the federal fight is over, the fight to eradicate abortion at the State level is still on. Now is the time more than ever to get to work. To stand in the gap. To war on the front lines, not just for these babies, but for the brave mamas who are choosing LIFE.

Now is the time to be a resource, and if you can’t be it, find out how to support it. If you can’t support it financially, tithe your time. We’ve got to be the change we have longed to see. We cannot stand in front of clinics with signs to save the babies if we aren’t willing and prepared to do our part to sustain the life we so begged to spare.

Saving the babies is great, but if we stop there, if we don’t show up for them after they’re born – we have failed completely. Furthermore, if we aren’t showing up for their mothers, whatever meeting her needs may look like, then we cannot, in good conscience, wear the title “pro-life.” If the extent of our activism is voting and demanding and motioning to end abortion, then we could only, truthfully, refer to ourselves as pro-winning an argument. And if our end game was na-na-na-na-boo-boo we have missed the mark altogether.

We’ve got to find our place in this fight. As believers, we are part of the body of Christ, but are you a hand? Am I a foot? Is there a foster or adoption agency you can answer phone calls for? Is there a pregnancy resource center I can fold baby clothes or organize diapers for? Is there an upcoming pro-life banquet you could serve food at or break down tables and chairs?

I believe the Lord gives us our own, unique, individual passions and callings specific to each of us, but abortion and it’s eradication, and being the hands and feet of Jesus to love and support mothers making hard choices isn’t a hobby – it is a duty. We must, we must, find our place, roll up our sleeves and put our money where our mouth is.

The grace and forgiveness aren’t ours to extend. These mamas don’t owe us anything. Rather, we owe them our obedience to Jesus to be the vessels that carry the reminder of His pockets deep with mercies anew! There is no shortcoming, no bad decision too heavy for Him to toss into the Sea of Forgetfulness. There is no wound so deep that He can’t heal. There is no chasm etched by sin so wide His love can’t cover.

The question is what now? What is your answer?

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