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As Sanity Wanes, Freedom Hangs in the Balance

Wednesday, January 04, 2023 @ 01:21 PM As Sanity Wanes, Freedom Hangs in the Balance Joy Lucius The Stand Writer MORE

In his second inaugural address on Tuesday, January 3, Governor Ron DeSantis (R) gave a tribute to the people of Florida:

“Freedom lives here, in our great Sunshine State of Florida!

“It lives in the courage of those who patrol the streets and keep our communities safe, it lives in the industry of those who work long hours to earn a living and raise their families, it lives in the dedication of those who teach our children, it lives in the determination of those who grow our food, it lives in the wisdom of our senior citizens, it lives in the dreams of the historic number of families who have moved from thousands of miles away because they saw Florida as the land of liberty and the land of sanity.”

Governor DeSantis did not stop with these flowery, inspirational words of love. Instead, he continued his acceptance speech for a second term as the 46th governor of Florida with fiery truth about the ideological fads accepted and even embraced in many places in America. Then, he went on to promise that freedom will continue to live in Florida:           

“This bizarre, but prevalent, ideology that permeates these policy measures purports to act in the name of justice for the marginalized, but it frowns upon American institutions. It rejects merit and achievement, and it advocates identity essentialism.

“We reject this woke ideology. We seek normalcy, not philosophical lunacy! We will not allow reality, facts, and truth to become optional. We will never surrender to the woke mob. Florida is where woke goes to die!”

DeSantis put into words what many Floridians (and Americans, for that matter) are thinking and feeling. It is as if we are living in an episode of Rod Serling’s Twilight Zone or the pages of Hans Christian Andersen’s The Emperor‘s New Clothes.

It truly feels as if the bounds of sanity have been suspended, and cultural boundaries have been moved way, way beyond the philosophy of “anything goes.” It seems as if demonic entities are sitting around dreaming up the craziest possible scenarios and taking bets on how long it will take before their latest bizarre irrationality is considered normal and acceptable – even required.

And let me just say that we are way past the point of gently pushing back on cultural norms. We are actually past the point of shouting and shoving our way back to sanity.

Think about it! Times are absolutely insane.

Just in case you might not think it is as bad as I say, here are just a few of the new woke ideologies that are constantly shoved down our throats and strategically planted in the minds of our innocent children:  

  1. Girls can identify as boys; boys can identify as girls; girls and boys can identify as cats, dogs, fairies, trolls, or anything else they choose.
  2. Men can marry men; women can marry women; men and women can marry children. Or marry dogs or cats, for that matter.
  3. An alien invasion of Ukraine is bad; an alien invasion of Taiwan is bad; but an alien invasion of America is good – very good, in fact, for liberal politicians.
  4. Child labor in China, South Korea, and the Congo is evil – UNLESS those children are laboring to make lithium-ion batteries for smartphones and electric cars. This, of course, is wonderful for the environment.
  5. A partial or full border wall on the Texas-Mexico border is unwarranted; a partial or full border wall around the White House is most definitely warranted, as is a border wall at the homes of President Obama, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, and countless other liberal politicians and celebrities.
  6. Guns are bad, very bad, and should be banned and taken away from all Americans – except for Leftist politicians and celebrities who need personal security.
  7. Aborting pre-born humans is acceptable and humane; aborting pre-born eagles, turtles, and snail darters is unacceptable and inhumane – actually, it is criminal.
  8. Healthcare choices should be left up to the individual – except in the cases of vaccines. In that case, the government knows best for our bodies, of course.
  9. All new media reports should be unbiased at all times – except in the stories about White, heterosexual, Republican males.
  10. Free speech is an inalienable right – unless it is free speech made by a White, heterosexual, Republican male – or any speech that goes against the Leftist narrative.
  11. What’s mine is yours; what’s yours is mine – unless I am a White, heterosexual, Republican male who works for a living.

Don’t laugh! These statements may sound silly, but they are very real agendas that permeate every avenue of our society right now. They are very real sentiments. And if our government continues down this rose-colored path of woke-ism, America will implode!

That implosion, that total destruction of freedom, is not a certainty though, not yet. We still have time to fight. In fact, Governor DeSantis remarked in his inaugural address that we must fight:

“Florida is proof positive that We the People are not destined for failure. Decline is a choice. Success is attainable. And freedom is worth fighting for.”

But first, as Christian Americans, we must be willing to fight – and we cannot be afraid to fight.

With that fact in mind, the governor pointed his fellow Floridians to the book of Psalms, which states, “I will not fear though tens of thousands assail me on every side.”

Instead of fearing the battle, we must place our trust in Him and follow His will as it is clearly outlined in His Word. Then, and only then, our nation can prevail against the enemies she is facing at this monumental moment in time.

So, take heart!

Though it seems as if our world is imploding at an exponential speed, there is hope. But that hope will not be found in man or his machinations. Our one and only hope resides in God. He alone can guide our country out of the deep abyss of insanity and immorality in which we find ourselves.

In the final words of his speech, DeSantis reminded us of this unfailing Hope:

“We embrace our founding creed that our rights are not granted by the courtesy of the State but are endowed by the hand of the Almighty.”

The question is, are we willing to reach out and grab His hand of hope and healing?

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