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Waking Up Conservatives

Monday, December 04, 2023 @ 10:00 AM Waking Up Conservatives Hannah Meador The Stand Writer MORE

In 2020, 16-year-old Ana Morris was burdened by the godless state of America. Between political division and a worldwide pandemic, she wanted to do something that would open a cultural conversation for teenagers like herself.

“God is not the center of our nation anymore,” Morris told The Stand. “He’s always been there and is still working, but the nation’s fire for Him has lost its kindle. … I want to see God brought back to the center.”

In March 2021, Morris launched The Wake Up Conservative podcast. The show is dedicated to bringing a biblical perspective to young conservatives and countering the “woke narrative” of the world. It has become her ministry.

Wake not woke

When choosing her podcast’s title, Morris wanted to pick something that accurately described the message she desired to share. With a world full of woke ideology and divisiveness, Morris wanted to encourage young listeners to wake up and join the fight against culture. She chose conservative because it portrays the “moral value system” she wishes to convey.

On her show, Morris hopes to make her listeners aware of cultural issues, but her sincere prayer is that they will come to know Christ personally, if they don’t already, and develop a closer relationship with Him, if they do.

Now 18, Morris is attuned to her listeners’ struggles.

“Social media says that you have to be perfect, but that’s not what God says,” said Morris. “Your identity should solely be found in Christ. Be confident in who God made you to be and the calling He gives you. He will always lead you.”

Hard conversations

Since the show’s release, Morris has covered issues including abortion, sex trafficking, sexual abuse in the church, and more. She attempts to approach topics in biblically-sound and God-honoring ways, even if they are hard to discuss.

“Podcasting really helps me connect with other believers and people who aren’t believers,” explained Morris. “It’s become a ministry and a beautiful opportunity to share others’ stories.”

One of Morris’ passions is having guests join her on the show. Sometimes she spotlights individuals with like-minded beliefs. Other times, she reaches out to guests with differing opinions to join the conversation. Morris primarily aims to conduct open, level-headed discussions while maintaining her biblical stance.

“I enjoy interviewing others because I know that they have researched and know what they’re talking about,” Morris stated. “Having hard conversations opens eyes. … But it also shows how we can be on different sides and still have more of a conversation than an argument.”

Lights, camera, action

In the current season of her podcast, Morris is shifting the conversation and focusing solely on reviewing movies. She will discuss cultural issues in the context of these reviews.

Last year, one of her most-listened-to podcasts was her review of Disney’s troublesome turning-of-age cartoon, Red Panda. Morris explained how today’s movies have made her more aware of the harmful content aimed at children.

“I’m seeing [films like this] impact the next generation,” explained Morris, “and that really angers me.”

In each episode of Season 5 of The Wake Up Conservative, Morris plans to offer insight into previously released films. However, it should be noted that all of her reviews may not align with the opinions of AFA. Before watching any film, AFA encourages believers to do their own research to ensure that a movie is a good fit for themselves and for their families. For helpful, up-to-date content guides on current movies, visit or

(Digital Editor's Note: This article was published first in the December 2023 print edition of The Stand).

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