In the latest episode of It's My Turn, host Don Wildmon takes us to the remote Haruku Island in eastern Indonesia, where a seemingly trivial dispute over a sago tree escalated into a life-and-death situation. The method chosen to resolve the conflict? An ancient tradition where the protagonists attempt to outlast each other underwater. Tragically both men drowned, victims of their unwavering adherence to custom.
The story serves as a stark reminder of the power of tradition and the potential consequences when it goes unquestioned. While traditions can be the bedrock of societies, providing a sense of identity and continuity, they can also be detrimental, even dangerous, when they're not adapted to the times.
Bro. Don masterfully connects this local story to broader themes of tradition in society and the church. He points out that, like the men on Haruku Island, we often follow customs without considering their relevance or potential harm. The episode is a call to action for each new generation to build upon the good and rectify the harmful.
The podcast goes further, discussing how traditions have shaped the course of history, from the dark legacy of slavery to the tradition of resolving international disputes through war. It challenges listeners to consider how unchallenged traditions continue to shape our world, often in ways that go unnoticed until it's too late.
Bro. Don also turns a critical eye towards the church, where he notes that many traditions are worth preserving, while others must be reevaluated. He quotes the poignant line, "We have always done things this way," to underscore the resistance to change that often pervades institutions.
The episode doesn't just criticize; it offers a vision of progress. It suggests that by questioning and updating our traditions, we can avoid the fate of the Haruku Islanders. It's an invitation to listen, reflect, and engage in the necessary work of transformation.
This episode of It's My Turn is a poignant reminder of the double-edged sword that is tradition. It's an exploration of how we can honor our past without being chained to it, and how, by embracing change, we can avoid the dangers of stagnation and irrelevance.
(Click HERE to listen to the podcast on AFR or click below to watch/listen on YouTube.)