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Obama will fight for Satan-worshipers but not for Christians!

Friday, August 08, 2014 @ 10:39 AM Obama will fight for Satan-worshipers but not for Christians! Bryan Fischer Former Staff MORE

President Obama has apparently decided to fight a “dumb war” after all, by sending warplanes into Iraq after relentlessly demonizing President Bush for doing exactly the same thing.

He has authorized humanitarian and military action in Iraq in his determination to protect the Yazidis, whose religion features an archangel who defied God following the creation of Adam  and thereby became worthy of their reverence. That being, of course, is Satan. In a rare point of theological accord, both Muslims and Christians agree that the archangel revered by the Yazidis is in fact the Prince of Darkness.

The Arabic name the Yazidis have given to him transliterates into English as “Melek Taus,” which means “Peacock Angel.” The other name of Melek Taus,Shaytan, is the same name theQur’an uses for Satan.

This reminds us of the Scriptures’ description of Lucifer, who is described as the “Day Star, (the) son of Dawn” (Isaiah 14:12) and in Ezekiel 28 as “the signet of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty...till unrighteousness was found in you (vv. 12, 15).” The New Testament describes him this way, “Satan (who) disguises himself as an angel of light” (2 Cor. 11:14), eager to deceive the gullible into believing that he is good rather than evil. The Yazidis have fallen for his lies.

The Yazidis are without a doubt in a terrible, terrible plight, with 40,000 of them trapped by Muslims on a mountain with no food or water. Many of their children have already died of thirst.

The point here is certainly not to criticize President Obama for taking action to relieve their suffering. The point here is that he has shown no empathy or inclination to intervene to stop the wholesale slaughter of Christians by Muslims in the same part of the world. It has taken the suffering of devil-worshippers to get his attention and rouse him to action.

The city of Mosul, long a haven for Christ-followers, has been emptied of Christians who were ordered by the armies of Allah to convert, submit or die. All 45 Christian structures in the city have been seized and converted to Muslim use. Obama yawns.

ISIS has been beheading Christian children and crucifying Christians by the side of the road. Christians for months have been fleeing Iraq in droves ahead of the murderous hordes of Al Qaeda. And Obama yawns.

When Christian wife and mother Meriam Ibrahim is imprisoned in Sudan for being a Christian, and forced to give birth in a filthy jail cell while shackled to the wall, Obama yawns. While Christian pastor and American citizen Saeed Abedini languishes in the hellhole of an Iranian prison, Obama yawns.

But when worshipers of Lucifer get in trouble at the hands of the same blood-thirsty savages, suddenly Obama springs into action.

What this reveals about the president’s religious sympathies I will leave for others to decide. But it can’t be good.




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