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A Portrait of Real Manhood

Thursday, September 25, 2014 @ 11:55 AM A Portrait of Real Manhood Joseph Parker Dir. Outreach & Intercession/ Radio Host MORE

The headlines of our day are screaming at us, letting us know where some of the real problems are with men. Many men “look the part”, are outstanding athletes who are highly gifted with much potential, physical prowess, and many characteristics that our society admires. Yet tragically, so many of our young men don’t know and have not been mentored, taught, trained or schooled in what real manhood is and is all about.

One’s prowess on the basketball court, the football field, the soccer field or the baseball diamond (which can translate into money) may be very admirable. But it tells those who admire that kind of person basically nothing about how much of a real man an individual “male” really is.

Today, there is a tremendous need for men in particular and society as a whole to get a clear picture of what a real man “looks” like. This picture depicts his heart, his mind and his perspective.

It’s from the Word of God that we can find the characteristics of what a real man is. No one knows the most important characteristics of the male better than God. So let’s look at His Word and paint a proper portrait.

Some Characteristics of a real man include:

1)He has received Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of his life. John 3:16, and Romans 10:9 And he seeks to be a man, like David, after God’s own heart. (Psalm 23).
2) He seeks to read the Word of God daily for himself. Psalm 1, and Psalm 119:105
3) He spends time in prayer daily. Mark 1:35 and Philippians 4:6,7; Daniel 6:10.
4)He seeks to bring the family together to read the Word of God, teach from the Word, and pray together. Deuteronomy 6:1–9, and Ephesians 6:1–4.
5)He takes and/or makes time to teach, train, discipline, and instruct his children, teaching them about God and teaching them wisdom for all areas of life. Deuteronomy 6:1–9, Proverbs 2:1- 9, Proverbs 3:1–2, Proverbs 4:1–6.
6)He seeks to take his family to church regularly-such as worship service on Sundays and Bible studies on Wednesdays. Joshua 24:15, and Hebrews 10:24-25
7)He has a sense of mission in his life. He seeks with passion to fulfill the specific call of God on him, whatever that calling may be. Romans 12:1-2, Colossians 3:1-3.
8) He works hard to provide for his family. I Timothy 5:8. (God gave Adam a job before He gave him a wife. Genesis 2.)
9) He is a protector of his family. Matthew 1 -2.
10) He lives the life of a good role model for his family and others. Joshua 24:15.
11)He has the wisdom and the courage to take responsibility and to deal with problems head on. He takes responsibility and does not run from it. I Chronicles 12:32.

Being a real man is much more than just being able to father a baby. A godly man has a love for God and a maturity and authority about him that sets him apart. A real man is seeking God and seeking to fulfill His purposes for his life. A real man has perspectives that are biblical and honorable.

A real man is someone who understands that women and girls are special and precious; to be honored and protected. Real men understand that women are not objects to conquer or persons to be disrespected and used. A real man respects and honors women and girls. A real man does not take advantage of women.

He will not be involved with a woman sexually unless he has won her heart and has put a ring on her finger and married her first. He understands that sex is for a man and and a woman who are married to each other. He knows that he is never to have a sexual relationship with any woman other that the woman that is his wife-period.

A godly man is a man who has clearly decided to leave the actions and attitudes of boyhood behind. His mind, thinking, heart, actions and attitude now seek to reflect biblical maturity (read I Corinthians 13:11–13)

Boys ask questions while men give answers!
Boys play house while men build homes!
Boys shack up, while men get married!
Boys too often abuse and misuse girls and women.
Men protect, appreciate, honor and look out females (real men don’t hit women. They protect them!)
Boys too often consider a woman an object to be used.
Men see a woman as a gift and a prize to be honorably pursued and won!
Boys make babies, while men have and raise children!
A boy won’t raise his own children, a man will guide, teach, discipline and train his own children and someone else’s when the need arises.
Boys make excuses for failure, while men produce ways and strategies to succeed!
Boys look for someone to take care of them, men look for someone to take care of!
Boys drop out of school saying that school is too hard and a waste of their time,
Men recognize the importance of and the value of education.
They desire to be educated and/or to gain a skill in order to reach their full potential in life.

The world is in tremendous need of faithful and godly men. Pray that God will raise up men who understand the important place and call of God upon them to be men after God’s own heart in their home and in society and culture as well.

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