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Small Steps Daily Devotions August 22 – 28

Monday, August 22, 2022 @ 07:30 AM Small Steps Daily Devotions August 22 – 28 Rob Gardner Retired AFA Staff Member MORE



Everything is pure to those whose hearts are pure. But nothing is pure to those who are corrupt and unbelieving, because their minds and consciences are corrupted. Such people claim they know God, but they deny him by the way they live. They are detestable and disobedient, worthless for doing anything good (Titus 1:15-16 NLT).

Where are you walking? Are you walking down a path full of mud and muck? A path of destruction? Or are you walking the path laid out for you by Jesus?

In the past, I have posted about being a "fruit examiner" of other people's lives. That "fruit examination" should also be applied to our own lives. Are you claiming to be something you're not? Is your claim to know Christ head knowledge, heart knowledge, or both?  In other words, do you hear His Word but not do? These are tough questions we should deal with and sincerely ask ourselves.

Lord, help each of us search our hearts to see what fruit we are producing. Don’t let us deceive ourselves into believing something you know is not true. Father God, bring us closer to you in obedience if we have drifted away from your desires for our lives. We pray in the mighty name of Jesus, amen.


Strength and Courage

This is my command – be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the LORD your God is with you wherever you go (Joshua 1:9 NLT).

We all have battles to face in our lives. Some battles seem endless. They may be sneak attacks, skirmishes, or a full-frontal siege. No matter the battle, God is with us.

Father God, pull us through our current battle. We are trusting in you for your divine help. We pray this the mighty name of Jesus, our Savior. Amen.


Listen to Truth

Fools think their own way is right, but the wise listen to others (Proverbs 12:15 NLT).

Sometimes we have blinders that prevent us from seeing that a path is not a good one. We must be willing to listen to a good friend who is speaking truth to us. Sometimes that truth cuts deep into our core. When that happens, compare your friend’s rebuke with God's Word. If they agree, you must adhere to your friend's rebuke. Remember, it's for your own good.

Dear Lord, help us to accept corrections from credible sources. We all go astray. Lord, help us to be open to rebuke by our friends. Father God, help us get back on track. We pray in Jesus' name, amen.


Hands Held High

Let all that I am praise the LORD; with my whole heart, I will praise his holy name. Let all that I am praise the LORD; may I never forget the good things he does for me. (Psalm 103:1-2 NLT).

With my hands held high, I thank you, Lord. I'm so undeserving of your love and blessings, but you say I'm worthy through the works of Jesus.

No matter what is in your past, Jesus died so that your slate is clean. Your ugly past has been washed away and a new life can begin.

Isn't it time to take the step into that new life?

Lord God, this morning my hands are held high in praise to you. You saved this old sinner and gave me the assurance of life everlasting in heaven with you. The stuff of this world is just stuff. Stuff may be nice to have for a moment, but the everlasting life you offer us is all that really matters.

Lord, I pray for good health for my family, friends, and myself. One day we will have a new body that is healed and free. Lord, thank you for granting us another day full of opportunities. Help us to not waste this day on trivial pursuits. Help us to make a difference in someone's life. Lord God, I love you and need you. May it be your will in our lives – nothing more, nothing less, and nothing else. Amen.


Beginning To End

Christ is the visible image of the invisible God. He existed before anything was created and is supreme over all creation, for through him God created everything in the heavenly realms and on earth. He made the things we can see and the things we can’t see – such as thrones, kingdoms, rulers, and authorities in the unseen world.

Everything was created through him and for him. He existed before anything else, and he holds all creation together (Colossians 1:15-17 NLT).

It is ALL about Jesus! Enough said.

We praise you, Lord. You were there from the beginning. You are the Word. You are Truth. You are our Savior. Thanks be to God for the perfect plan you have for us through Jesus. We pray and give thanks in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.


Search Continually

Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and he will give you everything you need (Luke 12:31 NLT).

If we search the world for treasures, we will just find stuff that has no lasting value. When we search for God and His riches, we will find life – true and everlasting life.

Father God, thank you for the many treasures you offer those who follow you. We praise you, Lord, and we especially pray for the souls of the lost who have not found the saving grace provided by the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.


Standing Firm

Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong. And do everything with love (1 Corinthians 16:13-14 NLT).

Satan roams to steal, kill, and destroy. Be on guard. Know you can trust in God. Be firm in faith. Be courageous, as you will come against all types of spiritual and physical adversaries. And be sure to live and love in the spirit of Christ. This is the foundation of being men or women of Christian integrity.

Father, protect us from the Evil One. Place your hand on us so the Devil can't touch us, and his demons can't destroy us. We trust in you and pray for protection in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus Christ, our Lord, and King. Amen.

(Editor's Note:  "God Has a Gift for You" is the good news that restores the broken relationship we have with God because of our sin.)


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