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A Meaningful Christmas During Difficult Times

Friday, December 01, 2023 @ 07:33 AM A Meaningful Christmas During Difficult Times Wesley Wildmon Vice-President Outreach MORE

We are all fully aware of the economic situation that our country has been in since 2020 and is still in. Before COVID more people had jobs, made more money, and had disposable incomes. Since then, the inflation rate and prices of daily purchases have been depressing, and it will not change as long as the current administration is in office. Christmas is around the corner and like the Christmas’ since COVID you may not be able to financially do for your family, your friends, and others like you once were able to do. So, here are three ideas that can help you share the spirit of Christmas with your family, friends, and others that are very affordable.

Christmas Caroling

It's been a long tradition for my family to join a few other families and Christmas carol. We usually go to our local hospital or local hospice house. These are two places that are last in our thoughts for most of us unless we have someone there, we know. What better time of the year to show random people who are suffering in many areas of their lives that God cares about them and loves them? In addition, it always, and I mean always, brings me back to the center of what is most important in this life which is to love God and serve others.

Cook or buy a meal for a family

You noticed I didn’t assume we all could cook. For those who can, it certainly provides a special touch. If you cannot cook, then ordering a family-size meal and delivering it is also very thoughtful. Serving others, especially during the Christmas season can bless a family beyond what you could ever imagine.

Read the Christmas story

This is completely free and the most important act you can do with your family and friends. I learned very soon after I got saved that we should never think we have graduated from reading and rereading the Bible and being reminded of all God has shared with us in His Word. Whether you read the Christmas story from Luke chapter 2 every year or plan to begin this year, you should never reach a point that it's not beneficial to reread it. Every year we read it because it always leads to discussions about salvation, miracles, and many other spiritually edifying discussions around the birth, life, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus.

Remembering what the Christmas season is all about is necessary for us to celebrate it biblically. These are just a few ways to do so without getting caught in the trap of seeing Christmas as a success based on the economic climate of our country. There are many other ways to celebrate Christmas with others and I hope between the 3 I shared and the ones you come up with you will be a great witness to the birth and life of Jesus.

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