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Assembly Is Extra

Wednesday, April 10, 2024 @ 09:09 AM Assembly Is Extra Don Wildmon Founder MORE

Have you ever found yourself wishing life came with an instruction manual? In this episode of the It’s My Turn podcast, host Don Wildmon draws an engaging analogy between assembling a bicycle and building a life.

Many of us have stood before a box filled with parts with the daunting task of assembly looming before us. Bro. Don takes this familiar scenario and elevates it to a metaphor for life. He argues that, just as a bicycle requires careful assembly to function, so does our life require effort and attention to detail.

It began with a simple observation in a department store, where a sign on a bicycle read, "$5 extra if assembled." This small note sparked a profound reflection on the nature of life's complexities and the "extra" effort required to navigate it successfully.

Throughout the episode, Bro Don emphasizes the importance of following the "manufacturer's guidelines" for both bicycles and life. He suggests that by seeking spiritual guidance and adhering to the wisdom laid out before us, we can create a life that withstands the inevitable bumps along the way.

Listeners are invited to consider their own lives: Are we taking the time to assemble it correctly? Are we following the instructions provided by our "manufacturer," or Creator? His narrative is a call to action, encouraging us to reevaluate and, if necessary, reassemble the parts of our lives that may not be working as they should.

The episode is not just a philosophical journey; it's a practical guide for anyone looking to strengthen their resilience and find balance. Bro. Don’s soothing voice and relatable storytelling make the podcast a comforting space for reflection.

In a world where we often seek instant solutions and easy fixes, Bro. Don reminds us that some things—like a well-assembled life—are worth the extra effort.

Tune in to this thought-provoking episode and discover why taking the time to follow life's instructions can lead to a smoother ride, no matter the terrain ahead.

Don't miss this opportunity to reflect on your life's assembly and gain insights that could change the way you approach your personal journey.

Listen to the It’s My Turn podcast with Don Wildmon and start assembling your life with intention and care today.

Listen to the podcast by clicking HERE.


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