In this episode of It’s My Turn podcast, Bro. Don Wildmon shares a poignant and heart-wrenching story that serves as a stark reminder of the importance of the Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
In Walsenburg, Colorado, a young boy named Anthony Pino rushed home to alert his mother that his three older brothers had fallen into a pond and were in desperate need of help.
The urgency of the situation was clear. Anthony's mother, Mrs. Fred Pino, attempted to call for help, only to be met with an unimaginable obstacle: two individuals on the party line refused to hang up, laughing and ridiculing her desperate pleas. This refusal to show basic human decency and compassion led to a tragic outcome. Anthony's brothers, Reuben, Freddy, and Richard, all tragically drowned, leaving a family shattered by loss and a community questioning the depths of human cruelty.
Bro. Don uses this story to highlight the ongoing struggle between goodness and sinfulness within humanity. Despite centuries of teachings urging us to treat others with kindness and empathy, instances like this remind us of the work still to be done.
Click below to hear this moving episode and reflect on how you can incorporate the lessons of the Golden Rule into your own life. Act with kindness and understanding whenever you can to make a difference in your own community.