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Don't Let McConnell Run from the Battle!

Tuesday, September 08, 2015 @ 09:55 AM Don't Let McConnell Run from the Battle! Press Release AFA Press Release MORE

Legislators are returning to Washington today after the long August recess, and there are many pressing issues lawmakers must address. At the top of the list is the defunding of abortion industry leader Planned Parenthood, especially in the wake of a ninth video recently released by the Center for Medical Progress.

The American Family Association is calling out Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) for his cowardice in failing to stand strong for the sanctity of life and is asking those concerned for the unborn to contact McConnell and tell him to stand for life.

In a radio interview last week, McConnell said that the defunding of the abortion giant during President Obama’s term is unlikely. McConnell is backing down, amid fears that Obama would veto any Planned Parenthood bills, thus shutting down the government and, in turn, blaming Republicans. This recent cowering affirms what McConnell vowed last month that the government would not shut down over this issue.

“Mitch McConnell has proved he has no stomach or backbone for a fight to defund Planned Parenthood, despite overwhelming evidence that it is butchering babies and selling their body parts,” said AFA President Tim Wildmon. “This is not a time for fear or trepidation. Millions of unborn babies depend on the courage of our leaders and all Americans.”

The fact is that a “government shut-down” affects less than 15 percent of all government activities so it’s virtually a non-issue to everyone but McConnell.

“What McConnell is saying is that Obama is the king and sets the agenda over government appropriations,” Wildmon added. “That is not how our forefathers established government. America deserves leaders who are willing to fight for the most innocent of lives—unborn children. McConnell is not the man for the job. He has lost the will to fight.”

AFA encourages Americans to take action in two ways:

  1. Call Majority Leader Mitch McConnell with a clear and simple message: Either aggressively lead the fight to wholly defund Planned Parenthood or get out of the way for those who will. Call his Washington, D.C., office at (202) 224-2541 or his Louisville, Ky., office at (502) 582-6304.
  2. Sign a petition. In a separate Action Alert, AFA also urges Americans to sign a petition to House Speaker John Boehner and McConnell to take whatever steps necessary in September to defund this abortion giant.

The ninth Center for Medical Progress video, according to, “catches a Planned Parenthood medical director discussing how the abortion company sells fully intact aborted babies—including one who ‘just fell out’ of the womb.”


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