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A Legacy of Motherhood (Part 2)

Friday, May 12, 2023 @ 08:24 AM A Legacy of Motherhood (Part 2) Joy Lucius The Stand Writer MORE

In honor of Mother’s Day, The Stand recently interviewed Rachel-Ruth Lotz Wright about her relationship with her beloved grandmother, Ruth Graham.

Click HERE for Part 1 and here is Part 2:


The Stand: Do you see your grandmother’s traits and characteristics in your mother, yourself, and other members of your family?

Rachel-Ruth Lotz Wright: My grandmother was very quick-witted, and I’ve been told that I got that from her. I’ve also been told that she and I share the same zest for life, and that you can see it in our faces.

Tai Tai described herself as a pack rat, never throwing things away, always puttering around the house working on little projects. My sister Morrow is like that. She never wants to throw anything out and is always busy around the house.

My mom’s hands and my hands look like Tai Tai’s, which is such a gift. I’ll never forget seeing Tai Tai clasp her hands together when she was thinking or trying to make a point. I loved her hands!

Tai Tai always used the word “hilarious.” I still use that word to this day just because that’s what she would say to describe something as funny. I miss her! Even though these are little things, anything and everything that reminds me of her is a blessing from God!

TS: Much has been written about your grandmother’s devotion to God and her prayer life. Did her relationship with God impact your walk with Him?

RLW: There aren’t enough words to adequately describe the impact that Tai Tai’s devotion to God had on my life. She loved her Bible! She always had it open on her lap or within reach. She studied it in the early morning hours, throughout the day, and into the night. She had at least 15 translations of the Bible that she would refer to. Her Bibles were worn with age and filled with notes. She cherished God’s Word and hid it in her heart. She didn’t just have head knowledge. But it was in her heart, and she obeyed it!

She was also a prayer warrior. In her later years, she wasn’t able to get up and move around. She told me she was like a mouse on a glue board – stuck! She said God had her planted in place, so she could spend her time praying. And pray she did!

Before she became immobile, she had callouses on her knees from kneeling in prayer! God has given me her as an example of how to live life for Him to the fullest! She has passed down to my mom, my siblings, and me a deep love for God’s Word and a high calling to pray!

TS: What are the greatest lessons you learned from your grandmother?

RLW: Stay close to the Lord by reading, studying, obeying, and loving God’s Word. Pray in every situation about every little thing. And never let bitterness take root in my heart. I am amazed that she never let bitterness grow in her heart towards my grandfather for being gone so much. She didn’t entertain those thoughts. She loved Daddy Bill, loved being a mom, and loved where God had placed her. No complaining. What a testimony to me!

TS: What are the one or two things about your grandmother that you admired most?

RLW: If you can’t tell already by my previous answers, it was her joy in all circumstances that came from a life devoted to Jesus, and she never let bitterness, resentment, or self-centeredness take root in her heart! She was the real deal, nothing fake, nothing phony. That is my heart’s desire and a challenge to pass on to my girls in my example to them.

TS: Did your grandmother have certain family traditions or habits that you endeavor to keep and pass on?

RLW: She wanted us to always use chopsticks whenever we ate Chinese food, and I can honestly say that I was not able to continue that tradition! My mom, however, always uses chopsticks when she eats Chinese food!

Tai Tai made Christmas extra special to honor the Lord on His birthday. She had an eye for old things that had value or things that could be made into something of value, even people too! She knew how to stretch a dollar. All things I hope that I can continue. 

But truly, she showed us what a godly household looks like. She always went to church, she woke up early every morning to study her Bible, she prayed before meals, she had a great sense of humor in all situations, and she cared for everyone, no matter their background or social standing. She was an amazing woman and one I strive to be like every day!

I cannot imagine the entrance she had into heaven, and I can’t wait to see her there one day! I am so thankful that she made the decision to place her faith in Jesus all those years ago in China. She and my grandfather shared the gospel with my mom, my parents shared it with me, and I’ve shared it with my girls – and we’ve all received the free gift of salvation that Jesus offers!

All the traditions and examples and memories amount to nothing if we haven’t passed on the gospel to our children and grandchildren. Share Jesus with your children and grandchildren and set the example by the way that you live your life for Him! 

Rachel-Ruth Lotz Wright is passionate about sharing the gift of the gospel with everyone! Not only is she a gifted Bible teacher, but she also released her first book, Jesus Followers, in the Fall of 2021.  

For more information on this book and her weekly Zoom Bible study, go to

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