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More Racism Won't End Racism

Thursday, May 16, 2024 @ 09:45 AM More Racism Won't End Racism Joy Lucius The Stand Writer MORE

“Something is terribly wrong with our world,” declared John K. Amanchukwu Sr. in the first line of his book Eraced: Uncovering the Lies of Critical Race Theory and Abortion

His opening statement is neither new nor singular. Yet as a black minister, husband, and father from North Carolina, Amanchukwu’s analysis of America’s woes pushes against the current cultural tide.

“Abortion and critical race theory (CRT),” wrote Amanchukwu, “are poisonous plants that both grow from the bitter soil of racism, and I believe they are among the greatest evils persisting in our time.”

He also believes these two evils are used by leftists as cunning tools to manipulate, abuse, and ultimately destroy the black community and the American church.

“We are in love with an ideology seeking to eradicate us,” Amanchukwu told The Stand. “Through mass welfare, we’re tied to programs that are dangled like a carrot before us in one hand, while holding a butcher knife in the other. We have relinquished the cross for these programs.”

Recognizing the real battle

Amanchukwu encountered impactful results of that relinquishment on multiple  occasions, one of which occurred during the summer of 2020. He was ministering outside the perimeters of one of the largest abortion clinics in the Southeast, a task he had done repeatedly.

“On this day,” shared Amanchukwu, “I was approached by a black man who had come to the clinic with the mother of his child. He was wearing a BLM [Black Lives Matter] shirt, and he asked me, ‘Why are you out here fighting a white man’s issue?’”

Amanchukwu was taken aback by the man’s question because 70% of the individuals praying and sharing outside the clinic were white people, while over 80% of the women seeking abortions that day were black mothers.

“Whether he knew it or not,” Amanchukwu recalled, “this black father was a walking, talking billboard for CRT.”

Identifying the Enemy’s tactics

Amanchukwu explained that CRT is not really a new idea. Born out of Marxist thinking, it equates everything to class warfare. In essence, certain societal structures exist to oppress and dominate particular people groups to benefit other groups.

He further shared that in current conversations, CRT often references America’s supposed framework of systemic racism, past and present, while classifying white citizens as continual oppressors of black Americans.

Amanchukwu has never denied that racism in America was (and is) very real. But he does intend to expose the evil truth of CRT.

“It’s not just a matter of black versus white,” stated Amanchukwu. “It all comes back to the heart. Racism is a sin of the heart – a sin that people of any skin color can commit.”

Instead, CRT misdirects the human heart, focusing on appearances rather than actions, while never declaring racism as inherently sinful. It insists that language, mathematics, religion, and other societal elements were constructed to oppress black Americans. But CRT’s only offered solution to racism is more racism – directed at people with white skin.

Amanchukwu adamantly thinks this misdirected focus keeps people from discerning the Enemy’s quest to destroy the black family.

Hearing the death rattle

In 2022, the United States Census Bureau found that over one-third of black American children lived in fatherless homes. Yet in 1950, less than 9% of black children lived without fathers in the home.

“We may be hearing the death rattle of black America,” said Amanchukwu. “Someone actively dying begins to breathe in a very erratic, shallow manner. Called the death rattle, this breathing indicates that death is imminent, within 23 hours or so.”

As unsettling evidence of this death rattle, Amanchukwu revealed more governmental census numbers of a shrinking, dying black community. While approximately 13% of America’s population is black, only 8% of that percentage consists of black women, and less than 4% of those women are of childbearing age.

“To sustain any given population,” said Amanchukwu, “population experts have long agreed that a fertility rate of 2.1 children per woman is required. While the 1973 fertility rate for black women in America was 3.6, by 2017, that rate dropped to 1.77, well below a sustainable population level.

“If this downward spiral in fertility rates of black American women continues, our community will have no viable influence on culture by 2038.”

Fighting on to victory

The numbers may look bleak, but Amanchukwu will not concede defeat. He has faced and overcome great adversity more than once in life.

As a child, he and his mother lived in a homeless shelter after moving to Raleigh, North Carolina. They worked alongside Habitat for Humanity volunteers to help build their own home.

His mother also worked long hours as a janitor at North Carolina State University (NCSU), the same college Amanchukwu eventually attended on a football scholarship. He received a master’s degree in Christian ministry from Liberty University as well.

In every avenue of life, he learned about hard work and perseverance. But he learned in his college football days to never focus solely on his opponent or the current score. Nor can he simply stay in defensive mode all the time. He must keep his eye on the ball and help his team get that ball past the goal line.

As a father of three children and a minister to young people in his North Carolina church, that goal line has never been more important.

With their well-being in mind, he spoke at a Wake County Board of Education meeting in October 2022, questioning the practicality of spending a million dollars annually on a district diversity office.

Amanchukwu told the board: “Seventy-eight percent of third through eighth-grade black students are not proficient in math in Wake County. We’re wasting money putting tax dollars toward this diversity office that’s not benefitting those who need it the most.”

With 66% of those same students also not proficient in reading, Amanchukwu predicted Wake County black students would be unable to compete adequately in the nation’s job market.

“In the Jim Crow era, black students were locked out of the public school system,” he concluded. “But today, they are trapped in it. They need school choice. They need the opportunity to take their taxpayer dollars to school systems that will benefit them, support them, and educate them.”

After that encounter, he spoke to five more school boards in his state, as well as school boards in 10 other states. Finally, universal school choice became North Carolina law on September 22, 2023.

This school choice victory gave Amanchukwu momentum to keep fighting – via speeches, interviews, his book, and his website (

In every instance, he invites people of all skin colors to join him in the battle for America’s homes, communities, and churches: “It’s the only way forward!”

(Digital Editor's Note: This article was published first in May 2024 print edition of The Stand. Click HERE to receive a six-month complimentary subscription.)

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