My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my words. Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart. For they are life unto those that find them and medicine to all their flesh (Proverbs 4:20–22 Jubilee Bible).
He sent His word and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions (Psalm 107:20).
Who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases (Psalm 103:3).
Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee (Isaiah 26:3).
The entrance of thy words giveth light (Psalm 119:130).
In the Gospel of John, the Word of God tells us “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John 1:1).
Because the Word of God is the Lord Jesus, therefore the Word of God can heal a person completely just like Jesus can heal a person completely.
Why is this true? Because they are one and the same. Jesus is the Word of God.
The Word of God ministers to and nourishes your entire being. And it does it in such a way that no one else or nothing else can.
To put it another way, God’s Word is full of grace, light, and blessing. So, when you spend time reading and meditating on the Word of God, the Word blesses your mind, body, and spirit like nothing else in life.
The Word of God ministers to your entire being. As an individual reads and meditates on God’s Word, he or she is sitting in the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ and being blessed by Him.
Our world is sick in so many ways. It is sick, distorted, dark, and full of things that you can easily call “ills” in life.
Too many struggle with hatred, anger issues, unforgiveness, bitterness, lust, greed, addictions, perversions, thoughts of suicide and attempts at suicide.
Many are sick spiritually, mentally, and in their physical bodies. The world is filled with all kinds of illnesses or “ills” in life.
Many people are ill in their minds, in their perspectives, their way of thinking. Many are “ill” in the philosophies of life that they have chosen to live by and embrace.
The Word of God is medicine for all the ills of life. It’s the cure for so many of the maladies that exist in this world.
So, when a believer spends time reading and meditating on the powerful Word of God, he or she is spending time with Jesus. That person is spending time receiving the most powerful and effective medicine for good in their lives.
Among other things, God’s Word is medicine to our entire being.
The Word of God is medicine - with no bad side effects.
The Word is medicine that literally ministers to every part of your being – all at one time.
Also, God’s Word is medicine that you can take as often as you want, and it will simply bless you more and more.
You cannot overdose on the Word of God. The more you take of it, the more it will bless you and your whole life.
What is the cure for all the ills of life? The matchless Word of God.
So, let’s be wise enough to take God’s Word in large doses – everyday.
A goal is reading and meditating on no less than three chapters a day in God’s Word.
If you do, your life will be much healthier, and much more blessed.
Finally, be mindful that the first step toward becoming healed and whole in life is inviting Jesus Christ into your life to be your Lord and Savior.
If you wish to make this all important step in your life, would you simply and sincerely pray this prayer or a similar prayer and invite Christ into your heart to be your Lord and Savior :
Lord Jesus, I believe you are the Son of God. I recognize that I have sinned and done wrong. Forgive me of all the wrong I have done. I do believe that you died on the cross to pay for my sins, and I believe that three days later you rose from the dead so that I could be saved. Thank you Lord, for loving me enough to die for me. Lord Jesus, come into my heart. Become my Lord and Savior. Make me the person you want me to be. You said in your Word, that whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved. Right now Lord, I ‘m calling on your name. Lord Jesus, save me and fill me with Your Holy Spirit. Thank you, Lord, for saving me, and I now confess I am a child of God. In Jesus’ name. Amen.