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United By Christ's Return

Thursday, September 14, 2023 @ 02:13 PM United By Christ's Return Jordan Chamblee Stand Writer MORE

Throughout history, followers of Jesus Christ have pondered the mysterious details surrounding His promised return. Various interpretations have emerged based on different methods of reading prophetic biblical texts. The fact that there are differing views on the end times may come as a shock to many believers, but these differences have roots deep in church history and many early church fathers disagreed on the particulars of Christ’s return. Because this is a secondary issue in Christian teaching, we can and should approach these differences with humility and grace.

Our shared hope in Christ binds us together, despite eschatological differences. We all eagerly anticipate the day when He will consummate God’s kingdom and unite heaven and earth. Though views diverge on the specifics, our longing for renewed creation unites us. As we overview the three primary eschatological perspectives, let’s focus on the hope we share.

Amillennialism: “The Kingdom of God is Within You”

One major view of biblical prophecy is amillennialism. This perspective interprets mentions of the millennium in Revelation 20 symbolically rather than as a literal 1,000-year earthly reign. Amillennialism emphasizes Christ’s current spiritual reign from heaven and the steady growth of God’s kingdom through the church age.

The name “amillennialism” means “no millennium.” However, this can be misleading. Amillennialists do believe Revelation 20 refers metaphorically to the present age of Christ’s rule and victory over Satan and call this age “the millennium.” They simply don’t interpret the 1,000 years as a future literal timespan.

Amillennials point to several biblical passages to support this symbolic interpretation. In Revelation 20, Satan is bound and prevented from deceiving the nations while saints come to life and reign spiritually with Christ. Amillennials see this as depicting Christ’s victory at the cross and the ongoing life and witness of believers in the church age.

Other texts associating Christ’s resurrection with the binding of Satan reinforce this idea (Matthew 12:29, Luke 10:18, John 12:31-32). And the “first resurrection” of saints corresponds to spiritual rebirth and union with Christ (Romans 6:1-11, Ephesians 2:4-6, Colossians 3:1-3). Hence the 1,000-year reign represents the time when Satan’s influence is restrained while saints spiritually reign with Christ through the church.

This view deeply impacts how amillennial Christians live out their faith:

First, amillennialism emphasizes nurturing a vibrant, intimate relationship with Christ. Since His kingdom is “within the hearts” of believers, their priority becomes connecting to Him in their hearts through prayer, worship, and Bible study. External obedience flows from this inner communion.

Second, amillennialists actively participate in Christ’s kingdom mission to the world. As citizens of God’s kingdom, they champion justice, extend mercy, live righteously, and make disciples. Believers represent the loving values of Christ’s reign to society.

Third, amillennial Christians urgently spread the gospel in the present age. Knowing Christ could return at any moment, they zealously share the good news worldwide, making disciples and inviting people into God’s kingdom. Evangelism and missions become paramount.

Fourth, amillennialists find hope amidst suffering by trusting in Christ’s spiritual victory. Though evil persists for now, Jesus has definitively conquered sin and death through His resurrection. This assurance sustains believers through hardship. God’s kingdom advances steadily.

Premillennialism: A Call to Vigilance and Hope

Premillennial Christians believe Christ will return before inaugurating a literal 1,000-year earthly reign from Jerusalem. This expectation profoundly impacts how they approach life and faith.

First, premillennial Christians live with an eager sense of expectancy for Christ’s return. They view each day as potentially being the day Jesus comes back. This anticipation motivates moral purity, spiritual vigilance, and urgent evangelism.

Knowing Jesus could return at any moment, premillennial believers strive to align their lives fully with God’s will. They heed Christ’s exhortation to remain alert and ready for His second coming (Matthew 24:36-44). An eager longing for Christ’s return characterizes their faith.

Second, those holding a premillennial view tend to study biblical prophecy intently. They analyze texts concerning the end times to discern the sequence of coming global events. Details like the rapture’s precise timing in relation to the tribulation period are important to pin down. Speculating on how current events could signify the approach of Christ’s return also occupies many premillennial thinkers.

Fourth, premillennialism inspires selfless living and urgent evangelism. Since Jesus could come back at any moment, spreading the gospel becomes a top priority. There is no time to waste on selfish pursuits or idle religious activities. Every opportunity must be seized to share the good news while time remains. Evangelism and missions naturally flow from this perspective.

These emphases impact how premillennials engage society and culture. Seeing this age as destined to deteriorate, they may invest less hope in reforming social institutions. Instead, personal evangelism and discipleship take priority over changing structures. Any transformation awaits the future earthly reign of Christ.

Postmillennialism: Hope for a Transformed World

Postmillennialism presents a strikingly different emphasis. This view anticipates the triumph of the gospel will usher in a golden age of righteousness, justice, and peace.

First, postmillennials have an optimistic outlook regarding the church’s role in society. They see the Great Commission as a mandate to positively impact culture and transform social structures. Every sphere of society is to reflect kingdom values as the gospel advances.

Second, believers holding a postmillennial view actively participate in advancing God’s kingdom within their vocations and spheres of influence. Whether through medicine, law, government, arts, or education, Christians are called to bring biblical principles to bear on their work. Holistic renewal encompassing each dimension of society constitutes redemption in their view.

Third, postmillennial Christians emphasize society's responsibility to uphold and enforce biblical morality. The state must rule justly in accordance with God’s standards, punishing evil and restraining sin’s influence. Laws and policies should promote social conditions favorable for spreading the gospel. The government carries a divine duty to facilitate the expansion of Christ’s reign.

Fourth, postmillennials actively labor to build a better society. God calls Christians to steer history toward ultimate triumph, no matter how long it takes. Bringing restoration and renewal amid brokenness expresses faith in God's purposes.

Each perspective brings valuable insight into how we approach our mission in this world. Our shared hope transcends eschatological differences. Every Christian agrees Jesus will consummate His kingdom and unite heaven and earth in renewed creation. Until that day, we must live in light of Christ’s imminent return however we understand it. May the promise of the return of Christ inspire us to passionately advance the gospel in every corner of society.

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