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Lord, I'm Thankful!

Wednesday, May 22, 2024 @ 08:38 AM Lord, I'm Thankful! Don Wildmon Founder MORE

As life is often clouded by negativity and strife, it's a breath of fresh air to hear words of gratitude and appreciation. In this episode of It’s My Turn, Bro. Don Wildmon takes us through a day steeped in thankfulness in a conversation with God.

Bro. Don begins his day with a sense of gratitude for friendship. He shares a touching story of friends who have faced loss and found solace in the companionship of others. It's a poignant reminder that our relationships carry us through the toughest of times, and for that, we should be thankful to God.

Then he takes us across the globe with a note from a reader in Australia, celebrating the impact his words have had on someone he's never met. It's a testament to the power of writing and the connections it can forge, even across vast distances.

With the tender gaze of a father, Bro. Don looks into the eyes of his youngest son and finds joy in the innocence and promise of new life. He shares the simple pleasure of watching his children grow, learn, and explore the world. Parenting, with its challenges and rewards, is yet another aspect of life that fills Don with gratitude.

The episode is not just about personal joys but also about national pride. Don describes the American flag as a symbol of freedom and opportunity, a flag for which he is profoundly thankful. It's a reminder of the values that many hold dear and the potential that lies within each person to achieve greatness.

Bro. Don's narrative weaves through the spiritual as well, highlighting the importance of faith and community in his life. He talks about working alongside a friend at the church, and the humility and dedication he observes in his fellow congregants. It's a celebration of shared beliefs and mutual support.

The episode culminates in an observation of a family enjoying ice cream, a scene that encapsulates the beauty of life's simple pleasures. Don's laughter at the sight of a child's delight is infectious, and it's a powerful close to a podcast filled with heartfelt thankfulness.

 So take a moment, listen to Don's reflections, and let gratitude fill your heart.

Click HERE to listen to the podcast on AFR or click below to watch/listen on YouTube.

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