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Tell Sen. McConnell to keep advancing Pres. Trump's judges for vote

Tuesday, November 07, 2017 @ 11:21 AM Tell Sen. McConnell to keep advancing Pres. Trump's judges for vote
Tell Sen. McConnell to keep advancing Pres. Trump's judges for vote

If you've been keeping up with the news on Capitol Hill, you are likely well aware of the Democratic obstruction taking place against President Trump's judicial nominees. You are also aware that up to this point, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has not been doing his job to end this obstruction.
Several days ago we urged you to put pressure on Sen. McConnell to fight the Democrats and advance President Trump's nominees for a Senate vote. There was a tremendous response from AFA supporters calling on their senators to press Sen. McConnell to either "get to work" or "step down" as Senate Majority Leader.
If you are among those who took action, thank you! AFA supporters helped put pressure on the U.S. Senate to confirm the highest number of judicial nominees in one week. In just four days, four nominees for U.S. Circuit Courts of Appeal were confirmed. This is historic! And it's because AFA supporters helped make it happen, but now is not the time to let up.
Send an email to your senators insisting that Sen. McConnell "keep up the pace" on Senate floor votes for President Trump's judicial nominees.
Currently, there are about 14 of President Trump's judicial nominees waiting to be voted on from the Senate floor. Bringing them up for a vote is Sen. McConnell's job. Also, there are more than 30 of the president's nominees waiting to be voted out of the Senate Judiciary Committee chaired by Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA).
Keep the pressure on Sen. McConnell so that he will continue to break up the Democratic opposition that's causing the logjam of Senate judicial confirmations. Grassroots conservatives holding elected officials accountable is crucial to advancing a conservative agenda. It is, therefore, imperative we all stay engaged for the long haul.
Send an email to your senators insisting that they keep up the pressure on Senate Majority Leader McConnell.


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