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Finding Freedom from Generational Brokenness

Friday, March 22, 2024 @ 09:04 AM Finding Freedom from Generational Brokenness Jordan Chamblee Stand Writer MORE

Many families find themselves trapped in unhealthy, dysfunctional patterns that get passed down from parents to children, repeating through each generation. The ungodly choices and sinful behaviors of parents leave an imprint on their kids, who absorb those habits and mindsets. All too often, those children then go on to make similar choices and perpetuate the same cycles with their own kids and grandkids down the road.

When cycles of sin and brokenness have been passed down over multiple generations, it can feel inescapable. The weight of generational patterns - perhaps anger issues, addiction, abuse, and more - may seem too deeply entrenched to overcome. As parents, you look back at your own unresolved traumas and struggles, and you may despair of avoiding those same pitfalls with your own children.

The hopelessness is compounded by the fact that even the most well-intentioned, devoted parents are inherently flawed human beings who will inevitably make mistakes in how they raise their kids. No parent is perfect. Despite your greatest efforts, you still find yourself repeating some of the unhealthy patterns you swore to avoid from your own upbringing.

The Perfect Answer for Imperfect Parents

It's in this seemingly inescapable situation that God Himself provides the perfect answer - He is the eternally loving, faithfully present, unfailingly good Father that all families are so desperately longing for. While human parents are imperfect, limited, and prone to sin, you have a perfect heavenly Father in God who is everything that earthly parents cannot be.

When you came to salvation in Christ, God didn't just redeem you as an individual - He redeemed and sanctified every role, relationship, and responsibility you have, including the roles of spouse and parent. No matter how wonderful or terrible your own parents were, God has adopted you into His divine family as a dearly beloved son or daughter. You now have unlimited access to the Father who is the ultimate model of patience, wisdom, selflessness, compassion, and leadership in the home.

So while your own family history may be marred by generational brokenness, God has interrupted those patterns through your new identity in Christ. You are no longer fatherless or consigned to continue cycles of sin. As His child, God is committed to bringing healing, redemption, and transformation to every area of your life - including your family legacy.

Putting This Hope into Practice

Recognizing your own inadequacy as a parent is crucial. You cannot steer your family into love and harmony on your own. Humbly admit your limitations, rather than stubbornly relying on your own strength. At the same time, intentionally meditate on the lavish grace, patience, and forgiveness that God extends to you daily as His child, despite your failures. Internalizing God's mercy towards you should underscore just how merciful, loving, and gracious you need to be towards your spouse and children who also desperately need abundant grace. Coming face-to-face with both your brokenness and God's compassion is key to putting this hope into practice.

You must recognize that it is not solely on your shoulders to heal every wound that has been inflicted on your family heritage over generations. Your role is to walk in obedience and reliance on God's strength each day while entrusting the bigger picture of spiritual restoration to Him. Give the burden of making everything right over to your Father in heaven, the only One who can permanently break the chains of generational bondage.

Centering Your Home on the Gospel

By keeping God's word and the truth of the gospel message at the very center of your home life, you create an atmosphere conducive to His transforming power. Use Scripture to shape your family's conversations, decisions, priorities, and habits. An environment steeped in biblical truth is one where generational brokenness can be mended.

When it comes to your spouse, you may feel exasperated if they are stumbling spiritually - perhaps growing apathetic towards the things of God, succumbing to temptation, or struggling with doubts in their faith. In these situations, seek to love your spouse with the same covenantal, sacrificial commitment that Christ shows towards His bride, the church.

Despite her failures and periods of unfaithfulness throughout history, Jesus never gives up on the church. He remains perpetually patient, lovingly speaking the truth and extending forgiveness time and again. Model this kind of steadfast love towards your spouse. With a gentle spirit, keep lovingly reinstating the truths of Scripture. Forgive their missteps and shortcomings again and again, just as Christ forgives us. Most importantly, remain committed - don't emotionally disconnect or consider abandoning your covenant of marriage, as Christ never abandons His commitment to His people.

For those enduring the heartache of watching your children rebel against the spiritual upbringing you tried so hard to instill, the call is similar - love them with the same persevering lovingkindness that God shows all of His wayward children. Keep praying persistently and fervently for your prodigal children, leaving the results in God's hands. Let them observe your faith, authentic love for Christ, and consistency in applying the words of the Bible to your daily life. Extend grace to cover their offenses, remembering the patience God has with you. Stay committed to them as your offspring, just as God remains committed to you as His child despite your periods of wandering. Trust Him with the eternal state of their souls, while modeling His relentless, steadfast love.

The Forgiveness That Shatters Chains

One of the most crucial steps in breaking free from generational brokenness is choosing to forgive those in your family who have hurt you and passed on the burden of their sinful choices to you, whether consciously or unconsciously.

However, you cannot rely on human willpower and grit to truly forgive the many layers of offense. True liberty comes by forgiving others through the power of the cross.

It is through the cross alone that generational curses lose their power. Only the cross can utterly shatter the cycles of sin, severing their influence over your family. As you forgive others by meditating on Christ's forgiveness of you, drawing from His wellsprings of grace - this is what allows God's complete healing, restoration, and redemption to be ushered into your household.

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