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In Twitter Jail...Again

Thursday, March 07, 2019 @ 12:33 PM In Twitter Jail...Again Bryan Fischer Former Staff MORE

In Twitter Jail for Telling the Truth about Sexual Temptation 

I wrote a couple of months ago about how Twitter locked my account for telling the truth about Islam and Christianity. I simply pointed out an obvious fact, that Muslims throw gays off eight-story buildings while Christians try to help them. 

I appealed to Twitter on the grounds that everything I’d said in the Tweet was simply the truth, and that the truth is not hate speech. Well, after about another 10 days they finally sent the Twitter warden to open my cell. 

But now they have slapped the cuffs again and sent me to solitary confinement. I’ve written two appeals this time and have been ignored. This time the suspension has lasted a full four weeks and shows no sign of being lifted. 

Here is the offending Tweet that landed me behind bars:


Bryan Fischer


@evanoconnell You’re dodging again. The question is not about "orientation" but behavior. No one is obligated to give in to sexual impulses that lead him to sexually deviant behavior. No one.

Feb 10, 2019, 2:02 PM 

I’m not sure how Twitter could rationally argue against the premise in my Tweet unless Twitter believes that any and all sexual impulses should be freely indulged without restraint or criticism. This seems to be Twitter’s view. 

But of course this an absolutely unworkable standard which would plunge any culture into a maelstrom of sexually debauched behavior, disease, and broken hearts. One of the marks of maturity is the ability to resist unhealthy impulses and channel sexual energy into marriage. 

What “sexually deviant behavior” is, of course, is a separate but equally important question. From the standpoint of a biblical worldview, any sexual activity which is outside man-woman marriage deviates from God’s plan for human sexuality. But some forms of sexual activity deviate further from God’s plan than others. Sex with children and sex with animals are examples with which virtually no one would disagree. 

Now sexual immorality and adultery both deviate from God’s standards, which is why both are sins and both used to be against the law (and should be again). But at least these forms of sexual expression involve the paradigm of adult male-female intercourse. But homosexuality does not. It deviates so far from God’s standard that the Bible calls it an “abomination” and something which is “contrary to nature.” It puts human body parts to uses for which they are not designed, whether the designer is God - as I believe - or evolution, as liberal regressives believe. 

Regardless, this is clearly a subject about which debate is possible and should be encouraged. Twitter claims to encourage the free exchange of ideas. Here is the first of “The Twitter Rules:” 

We believe that everyone should have the power to create and share ideas and information instantly, without barriers. 

Sounds good. It’s all about ideas with no barriers or censorship. 

That is, of course, unless you violate the orthodox creed of Twitterdom, in which case they will land on you like a falling safe. 

My account was locked because I violated Twitter’s “community standards” regarding “hateful conduct.” Here is Twitter’s definition of “hateful conduct:” 

Hateful conduct: You may not promote violence against or directly attack or threaten other people on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or serious disease. 

Well, you can read my Tweet from front to back, in reverse, in Sanskrit, and hanging upside down by your knees from a rafter in your garage, but you will find nary a hint of the promotion of any kind of violence, or any kind of a direct attack, or any kind of a threat to anyone. 

In other words, Twitter is not about ideas being shared “without barriers” at all. It’s a 21st century Spanish Inquisition with Jack Dorsey as Torquemada.

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