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Abortion, Social Justice, and Judaism (Part 2)

Wednesday, February 27, 2019 @ 09:10 AM Abortion, Social Justice, and Judaism (Part 2) Dr. Robert Youngblood Radio Call Screener MORE

Editor's Note:  Part 1 can be found here.  It starts with, "Snow White is being tempted by a magical, shiny apple from the abortion industry," and expands on the lies which affect the health of the woman and those she interacts with due to her believing the lies.


The irony of social justice, Judaism, and abortion

“Though the effects of injustice are material, the origin of all injustice is spiritual,”
Darrell Harrison

A survey among 5 million American Jews in 2013 found that most regarded “working for justice and equality” as a pillar of their Jewish identity, according to Steven Weisman in an article “How America’s Jews Learned to be Liberal” in The New York Times.

He describes Israelis as red-state Jews and American Jews as blue-state.  We see this played out in voting and in the branches of our government:  executive, legislative, and judicial. 

President Trump has ties to Judaism through his daughter, son-in-law, and their children, and his actions indicate he is pro-life and pro-Israel.  But even those tied to Judaism more strongly are often showing actions that aren’t pro-life or pro-Israel.  We’ll explain why that may be in a moment. 

Of the 35 Jewish congressional people according to Wikipedia, 33 are Democrat, and they are spread across 19 states.  New York, with its pink lit spire celebrating abortion on demand to the moment prior to delivery, has the most Jewish Democrats.  Chuck Schumer (D-NY) is the Senate Minority Leader, and there are five other Jewish representatives from New York found in the House. 

Three of the nine justices of the Supreme Court have Judaism listed as their religion.  Two were appointed by President Clinton (D) – Ruth Bader Ginsburg in 1993 and Stephen Breyer in 1994.  One was appointed by President Obama (D) – Elena Kagan in 2010.

How can this be, that those who are so loved, treasured, and adored by God, that those who have been blessed by God’s favor as long as they are obedient can be so in favor of abortion?  And sometimes even against Israel?

The answer seems to be tikkun olam and a conflict best described by David Rubin, Brooklyn, New York native and former mayor of Shiloh, Israel, who said, “Some of them act as if the liberal ideology is their religion.  As I said in my book, Trump and the Jews, the research is clear that the majority of American Jews are not connected to their biblical roots.” 

“A tiresome fixation on ‘tikkun olam,’ which literally means ‘repair of the world,’” according to Johnathan Neumann of the New York Post, “has allowed Judaism to fall into disrepair.”

Throughout the article, he expands on the irony.  “The dogma of this religion is appealingly simple:  Judaism is tikkun olam, which is social justice, which is liberalism.  The Jews are called upon to do no less – and no more – than cultivate a liberal paradise in America.” 

Those who’ve studied this seem to agree with Neumann when he says, “But the truth is tikkun olam and its leftist politics have no basis in Judaism.”  Weisman describes the phrase as “modern neologism, derived from Jewish mysticism,” thus not part of the roots of Jewish faith.

“It’s time the American Jewry repaired itself instead of the world,” wrote Neumann.  “A new generation of traditionalist Jews, proud of their heritage and jealous to preserve it, is unimpressed with America’s broken Judaism.  These Jews know that their ancestors did not live to worship a political party not die for faddish causes,” wrote Neumann. 

The problem with that statement is the repair is still self-powered instead of returning to and seeking God.

“The most significant change to [American] Judaism was its untethering from the ancient tradition of praying for an altogether human messiah to deliver the Jews back to Jerusalem, restore the ancient temple destroyed in the year A.D. 70 and re-establish the House of David to rule over Jews in their ancient land of Zion, as prophesied in the Bible,” wrote Weismann.  “These were among the enduring 13 principles codified as central to Judaism by Maimonides in the 12th century.”

It seems the American Jews gave up the idea of a personal Messiah that was prophesied and replaced that biblical promise with themselves as Messiah.  It is similar to the problem of when secular Christians embrace social justice thinking their physical work will solve the spiritual problem only a true Messiah can solve.  Both assume the role of Messiah that only God can fill.  If this is true, they worship themselves and not God.

The cost has been high on multiple fronts with this commitment to tikkun olam.  Neumann mentions Barack Obama’s commitment to it made him one of the most hostile presidents toward Israel in history.  And this cost carries into the abortion issues as well.

“When I hear them having that discussion in Congress, and they’re talking about having abortion on demand,” says Rubin, “it’s just unacceptable and the consensus is it’s considered in Judaism to be murder.  It is like a murder that someone commits, but there is no penalty.  It’s not allowed unless the life of the mother is in danger. 

“And when we say the life of the mother, we’re usually talking about the physical life of the mother.  We are not talking about her finding it inconvenient to have a baby or just being stressed out about it.”

New York State won’t kill murderers, but they will kill babies up until the moment of birth and hide it with vaguely defined words claiming it for the woman's health.  Part 1 of this series proved the promises of abortion compared to the reality, even for the woman who chose it, is really the antithesis of health.

A test of character for each individual and America

“The difference between how a person treats the powerless versus the powerful is as good a measure of human character as I know,” wrote Robert Sutton, Ph.D., and author of several books. 

This test holds true for governments and organizations too.

We fail.

The Snow Whites of America come from all races with a predominance showing blacks and then Hispanics.  The niece of Martin Luther King, Jr., Alveda King, wrote, “Life is a civil right.  Abortion is a civil wrong.”

From a government which forces the taxation of all Americans to support what most Americans don’t want by the terms the government has defined it, from the abortion industry’s glossing over the truth of short-term and long-term consequences of abortion, to our own selfishness to do as we please and not take responsibility sooner – we fail. 

We fail in character, and we thrive in sin when we kill these babies from the ideas and lies we’ve bought.  No one has ever tied these words to the abortion industry, and the government doesn’t recognize it yet, but caveat emptor – let the buyer of these lies beware.  Please, don’t kill the babies.

Will we let God help us? 

Do we even want God’s help?  

What can God do if we turn back to Him?

He makes sins like scarlet turn white as snow – even if you aren’t Snow White

“Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord:
 though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow;
though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool.”
Isaiah 1:18

The pressures and weight of the lies in the abortion industry’s message have been revealed, but some will not agree.  Some will look for the extreme rarity of the good hidden within the gruesome mosaic of murder and try to amplify it to gloss over reality.  They will think I’m judging them, but in reality, I’m warning of the One who will judge.

God’s patience is not blindness.  His ears hear, His eyes see, and His judgment will come both on nations and individuals.  The reality is this abomination is felt by all of America, and time will tell how God will deal with us as a nation.  And more importantly how He will deal with us individually.

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.
  In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”
Proverbs 3:5-6

Whether Jew, Christian, or nonbeliever we cannot deny God without consequences.  We turn our backs on God saying our choices and our ways are more important.  We assume god-like roles when we are not god.  Instead of this, we need to turn back to God, not a God of our own creation, but the God of the Jews who points us to the Messiah through prophecy.

Like Peter Heck ends his powerful demonstration comparing the numbers of babies lost to various American wars by having the sounds of BB’s hitting a tin can, I feel the same and cry out with him and others:  God help us.

And He can…if we let Him.  Though Ezekiel 18:30-31 is described for the house of Israel, it really is for all nations when it says:

Therefore I will judge you, O house of Israel, every one according to his ways, declares the Lord God. Repent and turn from all your transgressions, lest iniquity be your ruin. Cast away from you all the transgressions that you have committed, and make yourselves a new heart and a new spirit! Why will you die, O house of Israel? For I have no pleasure in the death of anyone, declares the Lord God; so turn, and live.

We cannot rescue ourselves by pretending to be the Messiah for others because we are not God, so we must turn to Christ Messiah.  Only then can God take our sins which have poisoned our relationship with him, restore the relationship, and make each of us white as snow.

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